26 January, 2019 part two

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Sara's P.O.V
after about another 5 minutes of Max and Jordan arguing I decided I should go out and stop them.

as I open the door the boys follow behind me and we walk down the hall and into the living room where this was taking place.

'I'm just trying to tell-' max shouts but was interrupted by me yelling at them.

'stop' I yell at them.

they look at me as I'm standing in front of them.

'max go over to the boys they will take you outside and talk, Jordan come with me upstairs to joeys room'

I walk past joey and I stop to speak to him.

'just talk to him and figure out what the fuck is going on' I say frustrated.

'hey it's okay' he hugs me.

'just take a breath I know it's frustrating but you need to calm down' I look up at him and smile, he always knows how to calm my nerves.

I peck him on the lips and walk upstairs where I find Jordan sitting on the desk chair.

'want to explain' I say sitting down on the bed.

'he wants me to not see Colby' she says not looking at me.

'why does he want that' I ask.

'I don't know' she says turning round facing me. 'he said he's not right for me and that we'd never get along and that I'll be heartbroken again and he doesn't want to see that' she finishes.

'you guys are like a married old couple' I say lying down staring at the ceiling.

'I just don't know what to do like he said that last time and he was right but I didn't listen to him do I listen to him now' she says on the verge of tears.

'how about we forget about it and go and watch a movie this afternoon then come back and have a pizza night do face masks we'll go to the shops before hand and buy all these things we'll have a girls night' I say siting up.

'okay deal' she says with a smile on her face.

'alright let's tell joey' I say getting up jordan following behind.

Joeys P.O.V (going from after saras walk off)
I watch Sara walk up the stairs and then face the boys and take them outside.

'start from the beginning' cole says to max.

'we came over and I saw this dude known as Colby and I thought who and why is he here, I shook his hand and said hello and I instantly got this bad feeling about him, when he said he's here with Jordan I know her and him are going to end' he finished sounding really frustrated.

'so you like her' I ask.

'what no I have Michelle, why would I want to date someone when I have already am dating' he says confused at my comment.

'to me it sounds like your over protective' seb says while me and cole nod in agreement.

'he's not wrong' I say looking at him.

'I like to look after my friends I said the same to Sara about Shawn and she didn't listen to me and look at what happened' he says pissing me off.

'stop from even bring him up I hate him his name it's just no' I say really pissed off.

'well it-' cole was interrupted by lara speaking.

'sorry to interrupt but babe- called you babe ugh me and Jordan want to see and movie go shopping kinda thing then we're gonna have a girls night in the spare room where she's staying is that okay' she asked walking over to us.

I stand up and say 'yea sure we'll just be back in the music room I guess' I looked down at her.

she's not much shorter then me she's just up to my shoulders.

'okay thanks' she says hugging me.

'I would say text me but can't on a girls day and don't interrupt us when we come home' she said kissing me softly then walking away.

'you can take my car' I yell out to her and she gives me a thumbs up.

I watch her walking out the door as I wonder how did I get so lucky.

'okay boys what are we gonna do' I ask them as they look at me like I'm a dickhead.

'what' I ask.

'you staring at your girlfriend' max says walking back inside all of us following behind.

Sara's P.O.V
we drove to the shops and got some face masks from some beauty store and then we decided to get our nails done.

I picked white nails with a Harry Potter scar on my ring finger both sides and Jordan just did red.

cause she's a boring ass bitch hoe.

after that we went and watched some weird ass comedy movie that neither of us were paying attention to because we were throwing popcorn at peoples heads.

we then went home and ordered 2 pizzas cheese and pepperoni and grabbed Nutella to put on the cheese pizza, trust me it's good.

we drank cordial because were kids and shared a whole tub of ice cream.

we ended up falling asleep on the floor of the guest room with Taylor Swift playing quietly in the background.

thank you for reading.....

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song of the day
The Amity Affliction

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