>> Chapter 41 <<

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hi guys

another update since its a saturday

too lazy to use caps lock right now

hetalia mended my heart and fanfic tore it to pieces yet again

i miss my norway and england hahaha hetalia forever


THERE MAY BE SOME ACTIONS, LIKE PaPaPa but not entirely it


Unlike the other days when they would meet in reality, Tooru was the one who came over to Naoya's house which greatly surprised his boyfriend. He had just shown up at his doorstep at almost lunchtime and rang the doorbell.

Completely unaware that his boyfriend is coming over, Naoya had just woken up after sleeping for so long. While he was brushing his teeth, he wondered why Tooru suddenly sprung up and left him a little bit earlier when they were in their dreamscape. Maybe he had practice to do? Or he had some important business to attend to with his family or with his friends? If so, why wouldn't he tell him?

Naoya tilted his head, dazed by the question before he shook his head and washed his mouth free of foam.

"Nah, I mustn't be too controlling with Tooru. He might run away or rebel. Though a cute rebelling Tooru is a sight I wanna see, it's not really a good time. Tooru's really adorable."

Naoya hummed and as he passed by the mirror, he scrutinized his messy appearance; unorganized, messy and wrinkled shirt, rocket pajama pants and his uncombed hair. Eyebrows twitching, he calmed himself and seriously muttered, "Tooru loves you. Even if you look like dirt, he still loves you."

If other men were to hear a handsome guy like him see himself as dirt, they would surely puke out blood.

He was about to crawl back to the comfort of his bed and sleep the whole day when his doorbell rang and he groaned. At this time, he could hear his bed talking, urging him to ignore the person ringing the bell and to just crawl in and lie down to sleep. He could hear it and the offer was too tempting but rationality brought him back and he ignored the calling.

Trudging to the door with his face scrunched in distaste and tiredness, he swung the door open, about to scold whoever dared to interrupt his lazy day when a voice cut him off.


Oikawa Tooru hastily pulled out his phone to capture the very rare moment of his lover being dumfounded. He snickered when he successfully caught a picture of Naoya with his jaws slackened and his eyes wide with disbelief swimming in his apple green pools.

Tooru was about to send the picture over to his mother to have her helping hand in teasing Naoya but he quickly squished that idea since he didn't want anybody else, even his mother, to see Naoya's state right now. Despite his clothing being a wrinkled shirt and, god he wants to laugh right now, rocket printed pajama pants; it gave him a childish yet fresh from bed atmosphere that totally got his heart beating so fast.

"How the hell do you look so good? This is totally unfair,"

Tooru cried as finally felt the unfairness of the world. Was he really in a relationship with this unfair being? Maybe Naoya wasn't entirely human and is actually the offspring of a handsome human and an extremely gorgeous female alien? Was he a result of a beauty experiment? The son of the Goddess of Beauty? What and which one is it?!

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