>> Chapter 15 <<

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"Find and keep that person."


"Your hair is really soft," Tooru's fingers ran through Naoya's blonde locks as the two spent another shared dream. Naoya hummed, not really in to replying verbally as the sensation of Tooru's fingers occasionally scratching his scalp and tugging his hair strands soothed him.

Tooru originally wanted to explore the garden more with Naoya but the latter didn't felt like it and would rather spend their dream just lazing around and be less active since they both live an active life in reality. Tooru had noticed that Naoya was happier, the harmonious and blooming flowers all around the garden a clear indication since Tooru was sure that he wasn't that happy what with his relationship problems. It had to be Naoya making the atmosphere so joyful and glowing.

Something nice tickled Tooru's nose, a scent that he had just picked up. He followed it and ended up closer to Naoya's neck, his body bent forward as he further followed it. Naoya chuckled though his eyes remained close, "That tickles," he said with a light laughter and Tooru snapped and straightened his back, fully aware of what he was doing just then.

His face slowly turned pink when he realized and he stammered, hand lifting to rub the back of his neck. "You smell really good, I couldn't help it." Tooru weakly replied. Apple green eyes peered at Tooru's slightly pinkish face and Naoya didn't waste time to memorize just what his face looks like up close.

"I always use lavender when I bath," Tooru, unknowing why, grew happy when he learned another thing about Naoya. He had asked him numerous personal questions during their times together in the dream garden and Naoya answered them bluntly but he would never answer when Tooru inquired where he lived.

Today is another chance to make Naoya give him an answer.

"You're pretty good at speaking in Japanese," Tooru began. Naoya raised an eyebrow, eyes glinting when he realized what Tooru was getting to. "You think I'm a foreigner?" Tooru nodded; dark chocolate brown clashing with apple green. "From where do you think I'm from?" Tooru pondered, "With your looks, I'd say, somewhere Western."

Naoya sat up, "Specifically?"

"England? France?" Tooru debated which one of the two it was. "I'm half French, Tooru." Ah, Tooru learned another piece of information about Naoya. "So you're in France? You have Japanese name so I was thinking that you're somewhere in Japan." Naoya smirked; he was amused at what Tooru was planning and how he was getting to it.

"When did I say I currently am?"


{End of Chapter}

Up next:

What did he do?


To make p for my inability to update last Tuesday.  I might not be able to update on some days when I am supposed to since I have to settle some financial stuff and fix laptop and wifi. I might also have to buy a new phone. Sigh, I dont have much money rn.

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