>> Chapter 10 <<

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"Well...you see..."


Chapter 10

"Furuya! I got 47 in English! Naruhi-sensei even praised me!"

Bokuto Koutarou happily showed his test paper to his best friend slash English and Biology tutor. He had been told that he wouldn't get a passing grade if he ever failed the exam they were going to have and he begged his friend for help. He was glad that he had a friend who excelled in the subjects he was struggling with. With his help, he managed to drag himself from failing his classes to passing them.

"He really did!" Konoha gasped at the miracle since Bokuto usually gets scores in the line of three's. He nodded his head and patted the shoulder of the sitting male across from him. "Good job, Furuya."

Bokuto grinned joyfully when his best friend gave him a wide smile and clapped his hand with his. At first, he and Bokuto weren't really close. They were classmates during their first year and Furuya was always surrounded by girls who swooned over him and he was the target of envy by the male population. He hasn't really socialized with the males in their class and he doesn't talk much when they were first years.

But when Bokuto was struggling over English, their teacher at that time had asked for Furuya to help him and that was when Bokuto found out that his classmate lived in France and he actually knows a lot of languages, including French and English. It was awkward at first since they haven't really interacted despite being in the same class but when it was time to teach him, the two of them just clicked and that was the beginning of Furuya becoming his English and Biology tutor. The biology came as a bonus and Bokuto was damn glad he had a friend like Furuya.

Furuya was a person who loved nature and hated being interrupted in whatever he does. His patience could rival a saint's but it has its bottomline which Bokuto had seen when someone ruined Furuya's mini garden at the back of the school just behind the Gardening Club's club room. Bokuto would just laugh when he would see glints of amusement in Furuya's eyes when he faced certain situations others wouldn't really find amusing or if others are in a situation which shouldn't be amusing.

"Another one for you~" Yukie handed Furuya a neatly wrapped heart designed box with a yellow ribbon. The three third years that gathered in Class 1 shook their head, knowing that it was another chocolate for their popular friend. "Even though this happens regularly, I am still jealous of you being so popular with girls," Konoha grumbled to Furuya, biting his lunch while Furuya just sighed and opened it.

Yukie, without shame or hesitation, picked the two remaining onigiri in Furuya's lunch box and munched on it. She was always approached by other girls to help them give their chocolates and gifts to Furuya since she was his friend and even though it was tiring at times, the smile that Furuya would have after eating chocolate is always relaxing to watch.

She understood why many girls would vie for him though. Furuya Naoya owned blonde spiky hair swept outwards with a cowlick that stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the various shades of black and brown. His well tones body, despite not affiliated with sport s clubs, was defined and perfect. His height made him awfully noticeable and his damn apple green eyes just makes you beg to be hypnotized by them. She thanked God for having this nice specimen be her friend and honestly, she wondered just Bokuto isn't jumping and making their thing official already.


{End of Chapter}

Up next:

But he was still careful and making early moves to secure what he wants doesn't cause any harm to anyone.

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