>> Chapter 17 <<

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Oikawa Tooru amuses him to no end.


Naoya was looking forward to their meeting tonight. He couldn't help but seek out the light feeling that Tooru gives him every time they talk. He had been busy finding out information about Tooru and he was surprised to find out that they weren't really that far apart.

Since Tooru had given his name to him, Naoya fully immersed himself in finding out the whereabouts of the person who was almost similar with Bokuto, almost, if Tooru didn't have that flirty and somewhat smug attitude. He was located in Kanto region of Japan meanwhile Tooru was in the Miyagi Prefecture. Naoya could just ask his father to drive him there.

He had scoured online for Tooru and found out that he was a Captain to the boy's volleyball team in his school and Naoya couldn't help but be proud that he achieved such a position and brought his team glory despite being defeated by Shiratorizawa in the finals. There were many photos of him taken by the official sport photographers and by his fangirls, which amazed him, and much information such as his favorite food or his favorite catch phrase.

He waited for him by the pond, watching as four koi fishes swam leisurely and Naoya almost allowed a genuine smile slip through his face when he felt hands snake around his torso and embracing him from behind. Tooru had sneaked behind him, not alerting him of his presence and just opted to wrap his arms around him and interlocking his fingers on Naoya's abdomen.

"Missed you..." Tooru mumbled. His voice was muffled by him pressing his face to Naoya's shoulder but the other heard him very clearly and just patted the hands that locked on his body. "Miyagi, huh?" Tooru made a grunting sound that would be interpreted as a yes and Naoya hummed.

An idea came to his mind and his lips curled upwards. He started to slowly sway his body, following an unheard rhythm as his own hands settled on top of Tooru's, gently unclasping them and turning around, still holding on to Tooru's hands. He could see the question in Tooru's eyes and before the shorted male could speak, Naoya tugged him forward and rested his hand on Tooru's waist while the other held Tooru's hand.

Influenced by the idea that ran through Naoya's mind, a soft tune sounded in the garden as Naoya led Tooru in waltz. Baffled and scrambling to keep up with the footwork of the dance, although Naoya was doing it slowly, Tooru looked down to properly see to it that he won't step on Naoya's feet. Apple green eyes brightened at the frantic look on Tooru's face and his grip on his waist tightened as he lowly whispered, "You look at your partner when you dance, not your feet. Just relax."

Tooru squeaked when he was pulled further to Naoya's body and that low voice of his wasn't helping his rapidly beating heart. He swore to whatever deity is up there to not let Naoya know about his growing interest in him. 

What sort of interest, Tooru didn't know. He wanted to just go hide in a hole, never come out and just repeatedly curse his heart for being so disobedient. He glanced up, to be met with gleaming apple green eyes, and Tooru turned his head away in attempt to hide his reddish face.

"I'm in Miyagi. Where are you?" Tooru inquired and Naoya just grinned, not answering it just as he always does. He could see static lines beginning to come out. Naoya chuckled at the pout Tooru held, kissing his forehead before he vanished from their garden and brought back to the real world. Meanwhile Tooru, who was left behind, continued to pout despite sporting a darker blush.

When he woke up and came down for his morning jog, his mother could hear him grumbling about Naoya always being secretive and how he was being a dummy for dampening the sweet moment.


Up next:

Oikawa Tooru knew that something in him is changing.


Im so sorry for not updating in a long time. Sorry for keeping you waiting. 


The apostrophe/ quotation button on my laptop isnt working and im finding ways to write the chapters, aka phone and computer and lots of transferring is needed. 

Although theres a shit ton of studies and projects to do for school, scholarships and college entrance exams to do, i cant help but think of my poor stories and how i have neglected them. I feel so bad. Plus, I cant focus on studying since my brain keeps on thinking of scenarios and bl stuff. hahahaha!

All of you surely noticed how theres so many typos involving apostrophe, you know the reason why.

I will try to update as often as I can. I am also really happy  due to the support and comments you guys have given me. Thank you so much. 

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