>> Chapter 35 <<

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He really needs another dose of Furuya Naoya right now.


Well, while Oikawa was having a nice day and all, Naoya was in a horrible and awkward situation.

This was the first time that the air around Naoya and Akaashi became stagnant and uncomfortable, enough to make the usually sadistic Naoya to feel bad and want to escape. His apple green eyes watched the younger teen, observing just what ticked him off but the teen hid himself deeper than he usually does and his steel eyes revealed nothing of what he was feeling.

"Ashi?" Naoya wanted to so badly know just what Akaashis purpose to calling him out was. If it was the usual atmosphere, he would've known the reason by now but it was, by far, unusual.

"I like you, Furuya-senpai."

It was simple and direct, Akaashi bravely meeting Naoya's eyes, which were wide from disbelief and shock at the sudden confession. Apple green eyes searched for any signs of a prank or anything to make the confession unreal but Akaashi was being truthful, willingly showing his seriousness.

Naoya felt as if he was being stomped on by dinosaurs and annoying trumpets blaring all around them that caused him to be unfocused. He huffed and blinked his eyes, fingers pinching the space between his eyebrows while he exhaled deeply.

In all his life, he had never experienced someone confessing to him, believing that he only looks normal, average, mediocre, whatever words you can associate with those. He had never believed that he was a good looking human worthy to be confessed or admired by others.

If the other students were to hear his thoughts about his self, they would surely puke out blood at how blind he was.

"Since when?" Naoya appeared to be calming down, which secretly made Akaashi relieved, but inside him, he was screaming and panicking whether this situation could be considered as cheating to Tooru.

One thing that Furuya Naoya had never experienced before was dating. He had NEVER EVER dated anyone. He was a newbie to this stage of youth.

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