>> Chapter 39 <<

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hey guys!

first of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Congratulations on surviving for so long. 

second of all, thanks for accompanying me in this book. I appreciate all the efforts, the patience and comments. Thank you very much.

third of all, sorry for taking so long. Its been raining here and the network signals are shaky and i barely get it some days.

fourth of all.... hahaha lets just get on with the story.


Naoya had boarded the train to Tokyo as school was gonna start in the next few days.

If he was given a choice, he would've skipped it for a couple more days and spend more time with Tooru but he was scared of his mother finding out about him skipping. Yes, Furuya Naoya can actually feel scared and only his mother can induce that feeling to him.

Fishing his phone out, Naoya smirked as he traced the picture on the screen.

It was obviously Tooru.

The time he sneakily got this picture was when he had just come back to the room after helping Motoko and Shoko in the kitchen and he was going to wake this adorable man up for breakfast. Tooru had sat up, rubbing his eyes to get rid of sleep and there were tears prickling the corner of his eyes and his shirt was in a mess, showing his left shoulder. His view was still blurry and he blinked a couple of times while his hand reached out to his eyeglasses. He looked incredibly sexy at the moment and Naoya had to up his self-control to not just pounce on the cute little lamb right then and there.

It was a blissful memory and at the same time, a regretful one. Why couldn't he just pounce on him and mess him up so bad that he wouldn't be able to leave bed for almost a week? Naoya internally cried at the loss of chance, sighing in resignation.

Why he couldn't do just that?

Well, Tooru still has a game and he didn't want their activity to affect Toorus performance during the game. His desire is overflowing but he must do whatever he can to not lose his rationality and be considerate to Tooru.

Tooru comes first before his desire.

Yes, Naoya nodded and repeated the words as if he was a wise man advising a youth.

To be honest, Naoya just wants to flips a table and hear the sound of the plates or whatever is on it breaking just to satisfy himself. Ah, he's really enduring so much. Timing and circumstance aren't making things easy.

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