>> Chapter 18 <<

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When he woke up and came down for his morning jog, his mother could hear him grumbling about Naoya always being secretive and how he was being a dummy for dampening the sweet moment.


Oikawa Tooru knew that something in him is changing.

When he was surrounded by his fangirls, giving him gifts and attempting to be close to him, he would find it very hard and suffocating to simply smile and give out the usual flirty responses he used in the past. He used to find it very easy to swap his genuine with that of a flirty and smug upperclassman and pretty boy towards them but he couldn't even last two minutes before internally begging for them to leave him alone now. It felt like there was a string in his chest that was being pulled and this gnawing feeling that crept up in him when he is talking to others that clearly fawns over him.

Iwaizumi had even questioned him when he noticed that Oikawa was spending less time in interacting with his fangirls before a match or even their practice starts. He would just shrug at first but Oikawa knew that he was shifting in terms of his feelings. The mails that Ruriko would send him were either ignored or half heartedly replied to, decreasing the amount of lovey-dovey shit that he used to put in it.

Oikawa had mulled over what Naoya had asked him when he was having a breakdown before and Oikawa knew just what he loved about her. Oikawa loved the Ruriko that was always supportive and understanding towards his love for the sport. He loved how she would make food nutritious for him to help him get stronger and healthier. He loved how she would always positively cheer for him and see the good in him. He loved how she was, not how she is now.

There two years of relationship is fading fast for him and with the realization of his emotions toward Ruriko, Oikawa found himself uncaring of how fast it's fading. Ruriko thought that Oikawa valued her so much that she forgot that Oikawa had a very large network in gathering information, via fangirls, and went on to flirt with some males from other classes. She thought she was so smart and so loved that he would just forgive her for flirting here and there.

Oikawa wondered just where the girl he fell in love with is and that when did this witch and snake of a woman replace her.

Instead of seeking Ruriko, he found himself getting more and more comfortable with the company of Furuya Naoya in his dreams. The male was secretive and Oikawa had this guess that Naoya might be a sadist inside, which sort of made sense since he had this weird sense of humor.

 Unlike Ruriko, Naoya listens to whatever he would rant on and would even make commentaries. He wasn't knowledgeable about volleyball at first but after Oikawa taught him, Naoya had been interested in knowing more and even inquires about his day at the practice.

As he further spends time talking with Naoya, he discovered more similarities between them and some differences that either irked Oikawa or just stare at him with the most reddish face he could muster after being directly being flirted with. Naoya was prone to mixing dirty insinuations to his words and would unconsciously successfully make Oikawa a blushing mess with his flirting.

Reminiscing the times when Naoya had successfully flirted with him made Oikawa pout and curse his heart for even reacting happily at the memory. The little touches and grazing of their skin left trails of fire on Oikawa's skin and he found himself searching for more contact. He admired the burning feeling that Naoya makes him feel and he's craving for more.

Oikawa Tooru didn't know that he had already begun to fall.


{End of Chapter}

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