>> Chapter 8 <<

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The next moment he opened his eyes, he was back in his room.


He was back in that weird garden place again. This has been the second time and he wasn't even at the spot he was at yesterday. There were even more trees and animals that loitered the area and he rubbed the back of his head, giving up in understanding just what happened to his mind to conjure this up in his dreams.

Unlike yesterday, he had forsaken the idea of sitting idly and just passing what little time he had before he wakes up to reality and went on an adventure around the place. He stumbled upon an open area, where a body appeared out of thin air. He tried to get closer to get a better view and his eyes blinked to in attempt to clear what he had seen. But it remained the same.

The body that appeared was the same male he saw yesterday, that same dark chocolate brown swept outwards hair. He continued to observe his limp body, making no movement but he soon lifted his hand to muffle the snicker that wanted to get out of his mouth.

An adorable bunny had dared to get closer to the body and since there wasn't any threat, it climbed on his abdomen, staring cutely at the sleeping face of the boy. He kept his musing to himself and turned around. He had decided to move to venture around the place, not to go and meet the other being in his dream and, per say, stalk him. He had better things to do.

He found a little bunny on his way, staring up at him and he stared back. It was quite comical in his mind. He had always been fond of owls and how they were often used to represent knowledge and all that shit and bunnies were far out of his likes but not part of his dislikes. They are adorable, yes, but he hadn't had the time to actually get a bunny as a pet. Though, seeing this adorable guy, he wants to have a pet bunny now.

He crouched down, opening and extending his hands to signal that he wasn't a threat to the little animal. It took some time until the animal hopped to him and when he scooped it up, satisfaction bubbled inside him at how soft and adorable this little bunny is.

Continuing his stroll, he found a dirt path lined with oddly shaped trees but he didn't find anything creepy with it. Each step he took, he ran his fingers through that fur.


The bunny in his arms flinched and became alert, its eyes scanning the place for any threats and then it looked up to him. Sensing the little thing staring at him, he ignored his aching ears and startled heart and smiled reassuringly at the cautious animal. He soothed it with his pats and he strode again.

Footsteps entered his hearing range and he grinned lazily, mixed with a little bit of exasperation, as he knew that he was being followed. The new guy wasn't far from him nor was he too close but his unmasked footsteps made him amused. He was tailing him yet he wasn't even trying to be discreet about it.

This went on for quite a bit and he could sense hesitation lingering in the air. He heard the footsteps stop and when he tilted his head to take a good look at his 'stalker', he found him leaning on the handsome side but it seems like he wasn't noticed as the guy was too drowned in his thinking. He was staring straight at him but is eyes were unfocused, not realizing that the both of them shared eye contact.

He found it funny how this male is so unaware of his surroundings.

Walking forward and leaving the stoned male behind, he kept his mind on what he should teach his best friend on their next study session. The slow owl was scolded by their English class teacher when he scored a bit lower than average on their exam and he knew he just had to help him.

He snapped out of his planning when hurried steps came closer to him and he could feel the guy's fingers brushing his shirt but then, he felt nothing. He had expected to be grabbed and be halted on his stroll yet there wasn't anything holding him.

Turning around, he saw that the male disappeared and then, he experienced what happened yesterday before he was thrust back to reality. It seemed like his time here was up and that male still hadn't talked to him. He had two chances now to talk to him yet it was all for naught since he was too paralyzed with his hesitation. He placed the bunny down before his world turned dark.

When he opened his eyes again, he stared at his ceiling, amusement dancing in his apple green eyes when he thought of what caused that new male to hesitate. His alarm blared and he groaned, shutting it off before rolling out of his bed.


{End of Chapter}

Up next:

And Oikawa laughed nervously, his hand rubbing theback of his head as he recounted what caused it.

* FALLING *Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora