>> Chapter 27 <<

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"I do."


Akaashi noted about how Naoya seemed to be glowing for four straight days whenever they see each other during lunch time. His upperclassmen also noticed how Naoya's temper deepened and how his apple green eyes softened so much. He knew that his bright mood was because of that person that Naoya mentioned with so much fondness and the person who stole his first kiss. 

If Naoya were to know of his thoughts, he would happily deny that it was him [Naoya] who actually stole Tooru's not-first kiss.

Naoya hummed after he finished his chocolate bar and he even genuinely praised Bokuto for not falling asleep in class. He was so bright that the others, as well as the other students in the room, had to shield their eyes when his enticing lips curled to a smile .

"You're really shining this week, Naoya! In fact, you're blinding!" Bokuto clapped and exclaimed his fascination. Konoha expected Naoya to smirk and tease him but what Naoya did after made him choke on his food.

Naoya laughed honestly and waved his hand in a dismissing motion.

"Why I'm happy is a secret meant for me and for my special person," he answered Bokuto and this made the volleyball captain pout and dramatically sigh, spouting of how Naoya doesn't even trust him to say what his secret was. 

Well, he wasn't exactly wrong.

 Naoya really doesn't trust Bokuto to keep his secret safe when he has such a loose mouth.

All throughout the day, Naoya was scribbling his plans on his notebook while half-heartedly listening to his classes. He'd already told Bokuto that he wouldn't be able to tutor him with their lesson and that he would be going home first.

When he was leaving the school, Naoya didn't expect to be stopped by Akaashi. The second year hadn't talked to him today which kinda baffled Naoya since he was so talkative to him before. There wasn't any heated glares or creepy touching from the other and Naoya was confused as to why Akaashi would be here, stopping him from going him instead of being at the gym to practice volleyball.


Naoya couldn't see what kind of face Akaashi was making as he had his head downcast and his bangs covered his eyes. However, he could sense the cold air around the younger male and his eyes caught how Akaashi clenched his fist.

"Does he make you happy?" Akaashi's voice was flat, no emotions to be discerned from it however he still didn't look up at him. Naoya thought it weird for him to be like this but he smirked in amusement when Akaashi met his apple green eyes with his own cold ones. Similar to his voice, it didn't hold any emotion. As if forever frozen behind layers of ice.

"Yes, he does. I'm finally going to meet him, Ashi. I can't wait. I really need to go," he walked past him and patted his shoulder.

Akaashi didn't move from his spot and all he could hear were Naoya's footsteps drifting further away from him. Every step echoed loudly in him, as if it was his own heart walking away, leaving him in a bottomless abyss unable to feel anything.

When he finally got the courage to move and turn around to chase after him, practice be damned, he was already too late.

Naoya was too far away for him to reach.


Naoya waited for his father to finish packing whatever he needed to bring. His own bag was already loaded in the trunk and he was tapping his fingers on his lap. He'd waited for ten minutes already and Naoya was slowly losing his patience with his father being so slow. He has a time limit and he has something scheduled today, so, father dear, please hurry up. He wanted to shout at his father and he released a sigh as his father finally sat on the driver's seat of the car and started the engine.

His father laughed nervously and he drove towards Miyagi, ready for a few hours long of travel.

Naoya set his eyes on the road, giddy that he was finally going closer to Tooru. He was even humming, a sign that he was in a good mood now, to which his father felt relieved.

However, his good mood didn't last.


{End of Chapter}

Up next:

I'm sick of you



here to grace you beloved readers some update and to inform you that im not dead yet.

thanks for reading and your comments about this chapter or book is highly appreciated.

Thanks for reading!!

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