>> Chapter 3 <<

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"Suffer the pain then," Iwaizumi snapped and finished his lunch, ignoring the whining Oikawa who grasped his heart in fake pain as he looked absolutely stumped by Iwaizumi's reply. Seeing their captain trying his best to make them stop worrying and to ease them, Matsukawa and Hanamaki glance at each other, non verbal communication exchanged, before they resumed their normal life of teasing and bantering with the other two. Iwaizumi was just glad that Oikawa regained a bit of his focus back rather than have him all on silent mode.



Oikawa jumped awake, startled when he felt something on his stomach. He could a weight on his stomach and that something must be on it and when he sat up, his dark chocolate brown eyes witnessed a bunny rolling to the space between his legs before it scrambled off when it sensed the bigger creature moving.

His eyes surveyed the surrounding and Oikawa was damn glad that it was the same as his dream yesterday. He was quite down that it wasn't about aliens, at the same time, glad that he wouldn't be dissected by them for information. He felt himself being too silly yesterday for ever thinking that.

He was quick on his toes and he dashed around the place, looking for the other male he saw yesterday. He stumbled upon the tree were the male leaned himself yesterday but he wasn't there. Oikawa scrunched his face, wondering where the guy was. There was this urge to see the guy, see if he was really beautiful and to just... see him. Oikawa had to quell this urge or else, he'd be all worried and stubborn on achieving it.

He ventured around the seemingly never ending garden, trying to locate him and Oikawa smiled when he saw the same blonde boy from yesterday just northwest of him. His back was facing Oikawa as he walked in a leisurely place, as if a king taking a break after morning court and strolling through his palace's garden. Oikawa quietly followed him, making his steps faster just to catch up to him but he suddenly felt... conscious? Of what? Himself? Oikawa halted and just stared at the back of the male.

Why wasn't he moving and catching up to him? Didn't he want to see just how wonderful this guy is? Oikawa wondered what was wrong with his own self. Has he gotten nervous? It can't be.

Confused with his own self, Oikawa urged himself to move, to go and talk to him before the dream ends. He was just a few steps away from being able to grasp his shirt before the surrounding became static and blurry again, Oikawa panicked and hurried himself but when he was about to hold the shirt, his vision darkened and the sound of his alarm blasting caused him to jump awake.

Annoyed at being interrupted from his goal, Oikawa glared at the alarm. If the alarm is alive, it would cry for being wrongly accused of hindering Oikawa from meeting another person. It wasn't the alarm's fault that Oikawa chickened out in his dream. He slammed it shut and ruffled his hair, breathing out since nothing could be done about it. He separated from his bed and got ready for his morning jog.

Slipping his attire, he quietly left the house, glancing at his watch before he began jogging around the neighborhood. After three rounds of jogging all over the place, he took another street that led to Kindaichi's street where a bakery that sells really good milkbread is located.

The old woman who was arranging the freshly baked pantry happily greeted him and Oikawa waved with his own greeting, heading to the counter where the old lady's daughter-in-law is manning the counter.

"The usual, Soga-san."

"Roger that," Soga gave him his usual order of milkbread and Oikawa paid her the exact amount before he left and went back home.

Oikawa was already at the gym when Iwaizumi arrived, warming up. The vice captain noticed that tiny pout Oikawa had and he rolled his eyes, knowing that Oikawa was annoyed at something for him to be doing that pout. Hanamaki and Matsukawa were the next to arrive and Iwaizumi nudged them to look at the annoyed face of their captain.

"I didn't get to talk to him! I can't believe I chickened out at the last moment!" Oikawa whined, stomping to get a ball and going to the base line. He was so irritated with himself. He's had his fair share f meeting people, even talking in an interview where he didn't even crack a nervous nerve but he got all nervous and cowardly when he wanted to meet that mesmerizing guy! That wasn't acceptable! Thanks to that cowardly act, he lost the chance to speak and verify.

Kindaichi was startled to the bones when he heard a loud thud beside him and he saw a ball rolling away, a slight mark marring the floor where the ball had contact. He, actually every one of them, heard Oikawa grumble in annoyance on the other side of the court as he picked another ball and got ready to do a jump serve.

Oikawa was too occupied with grumbling to himself that he wasn't looking at where he was aiming Hanamaki, sensing that the captain has gone nuts again, pulled Kindaichi away from the court and Matsukawa shooed the others from straying to avoid being hit by the uncontrolled jump serves. Oikawa had done another and the ball slapped the ground so hard that the humans winced at the sound, imagining their arms being ripped off if they were to receive that.

Iwaizumi huffed in anger, taking a ball out from the basket and aiming it to the back of Oikawa's head, spiking it with force that it sent Oikawa's head reeling forward and a bump to form on the back. Iwaizumi stomped to him and jabbed his side, "You better get your mind out of whatever problem you have, Crappy Oikawa." Iwaizumi made a scary face and Oikawa cried, "That hurts, Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and left him, a scary aura emanating from him as he motioned the others to go and get changed for class since it was almost time for homeroom to begin. Iwaizumi and Oikawa closed the gym, heading back for the clubroom just across from it when Oikawa was stopped by four second year girls. They handed a letter and some nicely wrapped cookies to him before scrambling away with their faces a red mess.

Oikawa definitely saw that extremely annoyed look on Iwaizumi's face and he grinned, winking at Iwaizumi. "Don't be so annoyed all the time, Iwa-chan. You'll grow older faster if you keep this up," he teased and Iwaizumi showed him his fist while a feral grin was on his lips.

"Care to repeat that, Shittykawa?"

Oikawa laughed nervously, "Not really."


{End of Chapter}

Up next: 

"I am from an alien species called Shif and we can change our form as much as we want to blend in the planets that we are planning to invade. I am the president of my kind," Naoya decided to humor him and play a bit. Oikawa sparkled; he was meeting an alien in his dream! "Why are you in my dreams then?" he was eager to know. If he really is an alien, then one hot damn alien this guy is!

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