>> Chapter 21 <<

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"You're mine."


Oikawa was having a hard time dealing with his emotions right now. In their shared dream last night, Naoya had suddenly attacked him and pinned him to a freaking tree trunk and kissed the hell out of him. It was extremely sudden and Oikawa, begrudgingly, admitted that he felt ecstatic and buzzing when Naoya had kissed him. 

Why he felt that way even though he knows that he's straight and doesn't swing that way, Oikawa didn't know but he doesn't find the feelings he experienced to be disgusting or unwelcome.

No, Oikawa welcomed the new feelings of exhilaration, of excitement, of pleasure, with wide arms open and a face filled with glowing smiles. In fact, he wanted to feel it again and again. It had a vague similarity of how he felt when he started dating Ruriko and their first kiss, however, Oikawa used vague for the feelings he just had were far too intense and worth craving than the feelings he had a bit of taste in the past.

Since it was Monday and there wasn't any practice as per their rule, Oikawa left his classroom in a hurry and mailed Iwaizumi to meet him at the bakery a few corners away outside the school. He hadn't wanted to be stuck with Ruriko and make her ruin this giddy bubble in him.

When Iwaizumi and him were on their way home, Oikawa huffed, having enough of his confusing emotions, asked Iwaizumi.

"My online friend suddenly asked me something weird, Iwa-chan. He said that one of his friends – "

"Everything related to you is weird, Trashy Oikawa."

"Let me continue, little duckling."

"I dare you – "

"SO! One of his male friends suddenly pinned him and kissed him and he found it goodbut he wasn't gay or anything. He sort of asked me what to do since he didn't dislike the kiss and the guy but he doesn't even know if he's straight or anything since he isn't –"

"Stop, stop, stop! What the hell?!" Iwaizumi exclaimed, his face slightly red as he waved his hands and cut Oikawa off. The dark chocolate brown haired teen blinked owlishly at his best friend, wondering why he stopped him midrant. Iwaizumi wanted to punch a hole on Oikawa's head for asking him such an absurd question.

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