>> Chapter 34 <<

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His Tooru is just too adorable and precious.


Monday morning, Oikawa rose up early, going back to his routine morning jog and buying milk bread. Motoko had teased him ever since she realized that Naoya and her son were in a relationship and when Tooru opened up to her about it. She wasn't exactly expecting this but it already happened and so, she accepted her son's decision in getting together with such a hottie.

Oikawa was feeling much better, especially when he heard Naoya's reply to the question asked by his father when they were heading home and he couldn't help the goofy smile on his lips. Going to school while humming, he was met with a worried Iwaizumi, though the latter would deny it and cursing him in the process, and Matsukawa and Hanamaki joined the two.

Honestly, the volleyball captain could tell that his teammates and friends were worried about him and he appreciates their concern. But now, instead of dwelling over an ex and thinking about the numerous why's of his recently broken relationship, Oikawa reveled in the giddy feeling of finally not having any hindrance in being with Naoya.

His mother had agreed to their relationship, Naoya's father giving them his okay and the two having mutual feelings; dammit, how could he ever get down from this high?!

Iwaizumi, walking slightly behind the humming dark chocolate brown haired male, cringed as he could imagine the hearts oozing out and the surrounding becoming filled with flowers. Maybe he didn't get enough rest and sleep or maybe he was really slowly going crazy for his imagination to perceive such... hideous sight and thus, the vice-captain turned to look at their two friends who were taking videos and making fun of Oikawa behind him.

Iwaizumi sighed in helplessness.

He loves his friends. But there are times when they could all be just....... 


Being the only one smart enough to maintain his own sanity in such a group, Iwaizumi just thought that he would just observe Oikawa throughout the day. Making sure that he was really fine and not just faking to be happy and bubbly for the sake of saving some face while burying his own troubles, Iwaizumi took the unspoken duty of being his best friend seriously.

The club didn't have any practice on Mondays and it wasn't weird for Oikawa to not show up in the clubroom but Iwaizumi was being paranoid that he literally scoured the whole school looking for his idiotic friend, not able to notice Matsukawa and Hanamaki following him, the two laughing quietly while documenting the rare times of Iwaizumi being such a mom to their childish captain. Well, he was always such a mom but to this extent that he'd go nuts?

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