>> Chapter 31<<

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"Ah, you're eyebrows are almost joining together, Tooru. You need to stop scrunching your face, love, "


Oikawa wondered around the lightless space, scared and confused as to where he is. He sure as hell wasn't in the real world nor is he in their dreamscape. He had been here, wondering, for a while now and he was beginning to get anxious. His emotional stability had taken a large blow earlier when he was awake and he was sure that he wasn't stable even now.

Anxiety crept up to him and his tears began falling as his lips kept on muttering his apologies. He had given up on finding a way to escape and chose to curl up, his hands cupped his ears as the ringing sound that was unheard before kept on ringing louder and his tears couldn't stop.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." he whispered to no one but himself. He wanted others to hear him but at the same time not, since he hated showing his weak self. He didn't want the team to see their leader so weak right now. His low state could bring their morale lower and as a captain who loved his team, he doesn't want that to happen.

"Ah, you're eyebrows are almost joining together, Tooru. You need to stop scrunching your face, love," a very familiar voice echoed around the space and Oikawa released the sobs that he had be withholding to himself.

 "Nao_ya....I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I failed again. I'm a failure. " Oikawa sat up, his form hunched over as his blurry eyes searched the space for any sign of his Naoya, even flailed his weak arms around him to see if he could touch him but alas, nothing was around.

He cried his name, yelling for Naoya as he frantically stood up and ran around, though he doesn't know or see anything, and kept his arms wide open to see if he could touch anything. He needed Naoya. He needed him so much.

Oikawa fell to his knees, exhausted and losing hope that he would ever be back in Naoyas embrace. His tears didn't stop falling. He'd trained so much. Had sacrificed so much time to improve and strengthen himself. Yet he still couldn't give the them the victory they all deserve. He questioned himself; does he even have the right to be their captain anymore?

To others, it may sound dramatic that they'd roll their eyes at him, but to Oikawa, it was one of the most important questions in his mind as of the moment.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his back, the warmth spreading around and warmth spreading from the back of his knees. Oikawa felt like he was floating and the warmth was what he needed right now. It lulled the anxiety that dominated him and pushed back the depressing thoughts that occupied him. However, the warmth did not last.

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