{Part 1} ✏

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Nobodys POV

It's a late day in Americas house, America isn't home and the states are causing trouble. Maine is supposed to take care of them but he's knocked out because of Florida.

New York is on his phone, Florida is on the wall, Delaware is playing with the '1 twins' (North & South Carolina), Arizona and Idaho are fighting because they cant decide who goes on the (Xbox/Playstation) first, Texas is playing sweet home Alabama loudly, California is on fire because Iowa accidently threw a match at him,Ohio is playing tag with Oklahoma, Oregon is eating toast and the others are sleeping.

It's pure hell in this house, they're out of control when America isnt here.
Americas POV
I stayed late at work due to a meeting and extra paper work! Crap! I dash towards my car. The house goes to hell without me, Maine better be taking good care of them all. Hopefully he isn't passed out due to Florida, and if I see that Iowa has set fire again then I'm taking away the matches. why did I even allow him to have matches? I'm so damn stressed right now, never knew what it felt like to be Germany. I quickly drive towards the masion and park.

I open the door with my keys and I see the pure hell that has happened. All of my kids look at me with a nervous or scared look, I shout "WHERE THE HELL IS MAINE?!" as I throw my sweater on the floor. New York points to the passed out Maine, "Jesus christ Florida..." I say picking him up. "I'm sorry dad..." he says in a guilty voice. "It's okay and please go pour water on California because he's on f-"I realize that California is on fire. "WAIT, CALI'S ON FIRE? SOMEONE PUT HIM OUT" I place Maine on the couch and start chasing Cali who's running around because of him on fire. Ohio and Oklahoma chase him because I think they were playing tag, "I GOT HIM, I GOT HIM!" they both shout while carrying buckets of water. "KIDS ONLY ONE OF Y-" California is then splashed with water and the floor is wet now. Sigh... "Kids, please clean up the mess. Arizona and Idaho stop fighting." I say as I walk upstairs to check on the other states.
New York's POV
They're all cleaning besides me, I'm on my phone playing a video game and I'm about to finish the level then I hear Texas; "Hellooo? Earth to New York! The news today is we're cleaning and dad told ALL of us to cleeeaaaan!" in a voice that sounds super annoying. "Yeah I know, I'm almost done cowboy. jeez" I reply in a annoyed voice. "Teenager." Florida says while cleaning the toys we have on the floor, "As if you're not." I reply. "Get up and start cleaning nosey news reporter!" Texas shouts at me, "Shut up Cowboy." I tell him and I turn of my phone. UGGHHHHHH...

Wait, I realized...where's Oregon? I get up and go towards the kitchen and she isn't there. I go to her room and see her already sleeping, did she really teleport over here or did she walk away when we weren't looking? I now search for California...where is he? I walk towards the living room and it's already clean, wow. that fast? Damn. Anyways, I ask Iowa "Where's Cali?" and she looks at me confused. "I thought he just walked past you?" "What? No he didn't I-cycle (Iowas nickname) , I didn't see him!" we stare at eachother and start running around looking for Cali.
Texas's POV
I see New York and Iowa running around, They must be looking for someone or something. "Hey, what's with the running partners?" I ask them in confusion, leaning onto the wall. "WHERE'S CALI?" Iowa shouts at me and I join the search for him and also start panicking, all of us (the states who were mentioned) are now looking for California because we're worried for his health..I'm the closest person to him, he's my best friend and a year younger than me. Dad comes down stairs and sees us running around like if we were horses without dogs, "Uhm...Kids. What are you doing?" he asks us and just watching us run around like horses. "WHERES CALI DAD?!" Idaho shouts and he starts getting worried "Isn't he here with y-you kids..?!" he says in a worried tone. "No!" we all say, Dad joins the search for Cali in this big house.

After 25 minutes of looking, Ohio shouts, "I found him!". We all run towards where we heard Ohio, please be okay Cali...
Ohio's POV
I found Cali in a closet crying so hard, it takes a while to find this closet so..I try to comfort him..

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