Chapter Twenty Two - Part Two

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I don't waste time after Charlie leaves to phone Eugene. If anyone is aware of a vampire seeking revenge on Charlie, he would know, especially if it involved Benjamin. However, if he does know of Benjamin's plans, the outcome would be the same as if he didn't know. Eugene might be a council member and be treated with high respect, but no one can put Benjamin in his place alone. All council members would have to be on board and for that to happen they would all have to be conscious of Benjamin's plan.

After requesting to speak with Eugene to his assistant, I'm forced to wait through a series of more rings. Finally, his voice greets me. "Maxwell, what an unexpected surprise. What can I do for you? I assume everything is going well with Charlie?"

"Well, that's what I'm calling you about, Charlie's well being. Someone attacked her friend the other night after showing up at her house requesting to speak with her. He claimed to be friends with Benjamin and myself. Didn't bother to leave a name."

"I don't see where I can help you, Maxwell. Without a name I'm as in the dark as you." The curiosity and concern in his voice come across as genuine.

"It's not important, I can handle him. The reason why I'm coming to you is because I need to know that Benjamin isn't behind it. Charlie may have stepped out of line and I know that he can be reckless sometimes. It wouldn't be the first time he overstepped boundaries."

"I heard about that. She is quite the firecracker, but I assure you Benjamin isn't scheming of her demise. After he requested Grace to return, we have been keeping a close eye on him."

"Grace? She told me she was going back to the location of our hometown." She lied to me?

"She's very much here in Austria and not in Massachusetts. I just had dinner with her last night to calm her nerves over Benjamin's ill manners. I'll keep an eye open for any such thing, but as I said before, Benjamin isn't behind it. He has his hands quite full at the moment."

"Thank you, Eugene."

"Before you go, Maxwell. Have you received the package that Grace sent over to you?"


"Well, maybe later today. Good day, Maxwell."

I hang up after I hear the faint click of Eugene disconnecting the call. As if I didn't have enough to worry about, now I have to add Grace to the list. I understand why she didn't tell me, though. She knew I would overreact and not allow her to go. And what is this package she sent me?

No matter how much I want to look out for Grace, I know I can't. Benjamin has his hands full with whatever it is going on over there and I have my hands full with Charlie. Keeping her safe and alive for as long as possible is enough to handle. I look at the clock multiple times, sometimes seconds apart, wishing for the time to go by faster. The hours before the sun goes down are physically excruciating.

Without a second's thought as the sun's rays set, I set out to leave the hotel. Before reaching the doors, the personnel at the front desk stop me. "Mr. Barnett. A package arrived for you moments ago. Would you like me to keep it until you get back?" the man states.

"No, I'll take it now." I take the very small box out of his outstretched hand. Grace's handwriting stares back at me. "Thank you," I say before retracing my steps to the front door.

Once outside, I peel open the package and put its contents in my pocket, keeping a note she wrote in between my fingers.

Dear friend,

It is very likely that you know by now that I'm not back in our hometown, but in the company of The High Council. Take this gift and keep it with you. I'll be in touch.


Minutes later, I enter the hospital and gradually make my way up to the waiting room I found Charlie in yesterday. When I don't see Charlie sitting in the small room, I assume she was allowed inside Juliet's room. Iapproach the nurse's desk. "Does one of you patients, Juliet have a visitor? Charlie?"

The nurse quickly shakes her head. "No one is in with Ms. Anders at the moment. Her sister was here earlier."

"Thank you."

I go back to the parking lot to search for her car in hopes that she's somewhere else within the hospital gathering food or coffee before she accompanies her friend. My eyes lock on each parked car, followed by the next...hers isn't in sight. How many times did I tell her to be inside by sun down. Either something is wrong or she's blatantly ignoring my requests, which are to keep her safe.

A nerves habit of racking my hands through my hair usually calms me, but not this time. The feeling of the rough bricks behind my back as I lean up against the building is the only thing that reminds me of where I am. If it was not for the bustling of all the visitors coming and going along with a few staff members heading home or making their way inside to start their shift, I would surely do something irrational. I pace the length of the building to release some of this tension.

Her voice sounds from behind me. "Maxwell, I'm so sorry. I know you made me promise and I didn't mean to lie, I just got preoccupied. Please don't yell at me, but I'll take it if you do...well, some of it." Her voice is strained and she's panting for breath as if she ran at full speed. Spinning around, I see her bent over. Her arms are resting on her knees, supporting her upper half.

At least she knows she did wrong and she apologized for her irresponsible behavior. The fact that she agreed to allow me to lecture her is quite refreshing and troubling at the same time. "You could have been killed," I finally say to her.

"Killed? I think that's going a little too far. If this mysterious man was going to come after me or kill me as you say, then he would have caused a traffic accident and it would have ended up involving more than just me. I need to sit down. Can we go inside, please?" Her kindness and submission force my anger to disappear.

"We'll discuss your reckless behavior later. Right now let's go see Juliet." More than anything I want to scold her for her carelessness, but I stop myself. She still huffs, trying to catch her breath from her sprint and I can't argue with someone who doesn't have enough energy to breathe, let alone talk back.

We walk arm in arm up to Juliet's room and to my surprise she allows me to enter with her. Shock and embarrassment distort Juliet's face as she sees me stand before her. I know this can't be the best situation for us to meet, but I'm glad that Charlie is finally allowing me into her life. Nonetheless, anything pleasant about this visit is minimal. Juliet is black and blue, broken and damaged.

This could have happened to Charlie or worse.

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