Chapter.19- Facing Moody and Edwardo

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Chapter.19- Facing Moody and Edwardo

Looking between Jasper and Edward, I decide to go against Edward and then Jasper. I quickly go behind a tree and shift into my human form. I straighten my back and crack it once I return to my human form. I suddenly get the urge to throw up, so I spit off to the side. My mouth gets a strange metallic taste to it and I feel some of it on my lips. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and realize that I spit out my own blood.

My eyes widen slightly and I quickly wipe away the blood onto my clothes. My stomach must not be completely healed and when Emmett hit my stomach, it must of caused more damage to my wound. I'll take it a little bit easy after tonight and after the battle this weekend. I just won't say anything to anyone until after the battle this weekend. I walk out from behind the tree and head over to the middle of the clearing. Before I reach the middle of the clearing, I walk past Paul and give him a pet on his big furry head and a smile.

I notice Paul give me a worried-filled glance and hope that no one else notice anything out of the ordinary about me or notice anything wrong with me. I arrive at the middle of the clearing and smile.

"I'll fight Edward next and then you." I say to Jasper and he nods, walking to stand next to Alice. Edward gives a short kiss to Bella and then walks to the centre of the clearing, smiling at me. I remember that I blocked my mind during my match with Emmett and have kept it blocked since then. I'll keep it blocked to give Edward a small disadvantage and a challenge for the both of us. We face each other and he smirks at me.

"I honestly don't get why you want to fight against Jasper. You already lost once recently."Edward comments to me, smirking at me. Ah. I see that he is trying to make me lose focus so that I'll be at a disadvantage and he'll hear my thoughts. Well, two can play that game. I smirk back at him.

"That was only once, Edwardo. Besides, as you can see, I have a different tactic this time around."I say to him. Edward glares at me for calling him Edwardo. We start circling each other, neither of us wanting to make the first move. My hands start itching for me to start the fight but I'm waiting patiently for the right time to make my move.

"I can tell that you definitely are approaching things differently."Edward says to me and I can tell that he is attempting to look inside my mind, but is coming out empty handed. He glares a little at me.

"What's the matter, Edweirdo? Can't get past my wall barrier?"I tease him, smirking at him.

"Ah, so that is what you have called it. It seems I can't get by it at all."Edward says to me, smirking back.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"I ask Edward.

"You just did."Edward retorts back, smirking at me and I roll my eyes at him.

"Smart ass. Anyways, you can't read Bella's mind can you?" I question him, smirking at him as I notice his eyes widen. So I guess he didn't figure out that I knew.

"N-no I can't. It's like her mind is on a different station then everyone else's."Edward explains. I make a move as if I'm going to attack him but Edward goes straight into a fighting stance, so I back off a little as we circle each other.

"Interesting. I see. So you and Jacob are fighting to win her undying love, right?" I ask, smirking at the fact that I already know the answer.

"Yeah, that's correct. Why are you asking?"Edward asks me back and I flex my hands. My body wanting me to phase and rip him apart every vampire in the area but I keep calm.

"No reason. I just find it a little fascinating that you two would fight over her. One of you has every right to be with her since they are more human than the other in a matter of speaking. But mind you, I care about both sides and believe that everyone will be happy with the end result." I comment and see Edward glare at me slightly.

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