Chapter.24- My mysterious Angel

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Ch.24- My mysterious Angel

*Sunday still*

*Paul's perspective (POV)*

Jaclyn had just finished explaining to everyone why she was healed already from her side being crushed, when her phone began to vibrate in her jean's pocket. She pulls out her cell phone, and lets out a soft sigh before she answers the call. Anyone that was beginning to make small chat with each other before, immediately have stopped as soon as Jaclyn places the phone to her right ear.

"Hello Carlisle. What can I do for you?"Jaclyn questions him, acting clueless to what he wants, even though Scarlett had told her earlier today about him wanting to speak to her. The doctor leech lets out a small chuckle on his side of the phone as I keep my eyes trained on Jaclyn.

"Hello Jaclyn. I was wondering if you could come over for a doctor check up and if I could ask you a few questions?"He says to her and I see her bright, beautiful eyes scan the living room, noticing everyone in the room watching her. She lets out another sigh before she gets up off her seat and leaves the room. I hear the front door shut and know she is outside, leaving the house entirely.

Her every step away from me is pulling at my heart strings, tempting me to follow her, but I give her space. She isn't completely out of hearing range yet so I'm still giving her a little bit of privacy. Jared raises his eyebrows at me, questioning me on what is up with Jaclyn, but all I manage to do is shrug my shoulders. The entire room is silent, except for our breathing and heart beats, as we eavesdrop on Jaclyn's conversation. I know that it isn't right to listen into her private conversation, but ever since she has entered into the Pack's life again, and with everything that has happened as well as with everything that we have found out about her, she hasn't seemed like the same girl that we once grew up with.

Yes, it's still her, but at the same time it isn't. It's like Jaclyn has built walls around herself and is keeping herself safe; even though we aren't a threat. We have found out that she has kept secrets from us; like the Band. Earlier, she snapped at Jacob, and even though he deserved it before she wouldn't have done that because it wasn't like her.

"Sure, ask away."Jaclyn says to Dr. Leech, and even though her angelic voice sounds like it's right next to me, she isn't. Instead, she is a few feet or more away from the house. Judging from the way her feet are moving, she seems to be pacing back and forth, nervously. I know, without even looking, that she is biting on her bottom lip. It's what she does when she gets nervous and it's her nervous habit. Although, why would she be nervous? She usually isn't the type to get nervous unless she knows or feels that something isn't okay. If so, what could be wrong?

"Alright. When the side, where your ribs were, was crushed did you feel any extra pain anywhere else in your body?" Carlisle asks her in a professional doctor way.

After five minutes or more, Jaclyn doesn't reply. Everyone in the room gets up and moves to the window to see why Jaclyn hasn't answered. Well, anyone that can hear the conversation with super hearing. Emily, Kim, and Clair stay in their seats, looking confused. We indeed, see her stop pacing and look frozen in place; her eyes wide in realization.

"Jaclyn.... Jaclyn?"Carlisle calls out to her. Jaclyn shakes her head from side to side, blinks, and then finally answers him.

"Sorry, Carlisle, I zoned out. I might have felt extra pain from my right shoulder; where my father shot me."She says back to him and I let out a small growl at the mention of her bastard of a father.

When we first heard about her father abusing her, to be honest, we didn't believe that it was happening to her until we saw the actual proof. Normally, people being abused is only found on TV and not in real life and close to home. Jaclyn's family looked perfect and happy before we found out the truth. Now, that I think about it, all those days and nights where we heard crying while patrolling by her house, it makes sense to why she was crying. It also makes sense on why she tried so hard not to let us in and why she still hasn't.

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