Chapter.14- Nightmares and Secrets finally revealed

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Ch.14- Nightmares and Secrets finally revealed


I'm running in my human form away from something or someone. I can hear their breathing behind me and I quicken my speed. I look back and see my father in his wolf form is the one chasing me along with the Volturi guard and the Volturi. I keep running until I reach the clearing where the newborns will fight us and I stop running at the scene in front of me. All my friends and family are dead.

My entire body freezes inside as my body moves forward, looking at my dead family and friends, who I couldn't protect. I see blood still gushing out of their wounds and I hold back from throwing up. It looks like they put up quite a fight. I spot all the imprints and imprintees and notice that they were holding their hands as they took their last dying breath. Tears start flooding my eyes as I look at them. I see the Cullens holding hands as well and I start crying.

I go past them and come across my band and I almost fall to my knees. I keep walking until I come across a body that's on it's side. I place my hand on their arm and turn them over onto their back. I scream and cry hard as I see Paul dead. I hear my father and the Volturi guard and Volturi behind me, laughing very evilly.

" No. No. No!" I keep saying as I cry hard. I look over at the Volturi and they smirk evilly.

" Poor, poor Jaclyn. You weren't there to protect your little friends and family." Aro's creepy voice rings inside my head. I see my father stalking closer and I back up a step.

" Why? Why them?" I yell at them as tears stream down my face.

" Simple. Thy were a threat to us and we had to take care of them." Jane says, with a smirk.

My father crouches low to the ground as he stalks me and I fall onto the ground as I trip over Paul's dead body. I look at Paul's face and into his now lifeless brown eyes. I quickly look up just in time to see my father leap towards me. I scream loudly.

Dream Ends

I open my eyes and see that the room is empty. I see Scar isn't in my bedroom. She must have gone downstairs or something. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them, tightly. I slowly start rocking back and forth as I think about that nightmare, staring straight ahead at the door.

It felt so real. Maybe it was real. Wait, maybe it is real. No! I start rocking back and forth quickly as I feel a panic attack coming on but I can't seem to stop it.

Suddenly the door bursts open and the pack, Cullens, and my band members, including Scar, walk into my room and I whimper. I can hear them asking whats wrong and calling my name, concerned for me but I just can't answer them. I feel Edward trying to pry into my head and Jasper trying to control my emotions but I block both of them out. I suddenly feel both hot and freezing cold hands on me, gripping onto my arms, trying to pull them from apart and away from my knees. I start thrashing, struggling against whoever it is.

" No. No. No!" I panic over and over as I thrash harder.

" See, this is exactly what I woke up to and her screaming everyone's names." I hear Scar telling the others.

" She was fine last night. What's wrong with her, now?" Paul asks, just as panicked as I am. I see a pale hand flash up and down in front of my face and I whimper and flinch, trying to move away from the hand but the hands on me stop me from doing so.

" Edward and Jasper, are your powers working on her?" Carlisle asks them.

" No. She's blocking me from her mind." Edward says.

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