Chapter.3- Abuse taken too far

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Ch.3- Abuse Taken too far!!

* Saturday Morning*

" How can she even sleep like that?" I hear one of the guys ask.

" I have no clue." I hear Paul's husky voice says and I absentmindedly curl my body closer and more into his.

" Now for sure, that looks uncomfortable." A feminine voice says.

" Jac, sweetie, wake up, please." Paul says, shaking me a little. I groan but stay put.

" Go away." I groan half asleep, starting to wake up.

"Not until you get up. Come on you have to get up." Paul says, pushing me gently off his lap. I groan and roll off his lap and onto the floor. The pack bursts out laughing.

" Ass. Ugh, that's gonna leave a bruise." I say, groaning as I open my eyes. I see that everyone is up and looks like they already ate. I get up and stretch my body, bones cracking into the right places.

" Morning Sunshine!" Jared jokes, happily as he laughs, as I head into the kitchen to grab myself a cup of coffee.

" Would you shut your trap." I growl slightly which causes the pack to laughter harder. I get my cup of coffee and slowly drink it as I head back to the living room, sitting next to Paul.

" Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed or should we say Paul's lap." Quill laughs and I glare at him.

" Speaking of girl, how could you sleep like that?" Leah asks me, curious. I grin as I remember my gymnastic training, fighting and being in my wolf form.

" Leah, did you guys forget about my gymnastic training I did when I was younger?" I ask her with a laugh. She laughs at the memory.

" You know if you keep drinking coffee, you'll stay short." Seth teases me as they all laugh. I roll my eyes. They always have teased me about my size, even Seth because I'm shorter then him.

" Not everyone can be giants like you, guys." I say with a smirk on my lips.

" For the last time, we are not giants! You are just very short!" Embry says, in a joking matter.

" I'm not short. I'm fun size!" I say, energetic and happily as I laugh. Embry rolls his eyes, playfully.

" You all know if you guys weren't wolves, you'd be extremely fat." I state, teasingly.

" Are you calling us fat?"" Jacob ask incredulously, mocking hurt and I smirk.

" No but I was implying it!" I say, smirking as we all laugh. My phone beeps warning me that my dad texted and I should get home.

" Well, I should get home so I can pack most of my stuff and come back here." I say to them and start heading to the door but Sam grabs my elbow.

" Someone should go with you!" Sam says, extremely protective of me but I just shake my head at him, disagreeing with him,

" I'll be fine, Sam. I will just quickly pack most of the clothes I want in a bag and come straight back here." I reassure him. He goes to argue but my eyes plead with his not to.

" Fine but if you aren't back soon, I'm sending one of the guys to come get you." Sam fatherly says and I race out the door.

" Yes, Daddy." I call to him and the guys laugh a little.

I start sprinting hard to my house cause its on the other side of town of Sam's house. I run fast, using my non-human speed and get there quickly. I head up the stairs quickly and switch out of my old clothes and into new clothes. I pack a whole whack of clothes into a bag and then head down the stairs. I stop at the end of the stairs, with my bag in hand.

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