Chapter.17- Healing Powers

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Ch.17- Healing powers

"Well I have this power that I barely use because it drains a lot of energy from me, each and every time I use it." I explain as I glare hard at Scar and she just smirks at me, ignoring my glare.

"What does it do?" Carlisle asks me and I internally groan.

" It allows me to heal anyone or any thing." I say to him and his eyes widen.

" How?" He asks me.

" Here, I'll show you. Emily, come over here for a moment." I say and Emily starts to come towards me but Sam steps in front of her, protectively.

" Sam, I won't hurt her. I promise you." I say to him and he lets her stand in front of me. I stand up and smile at Emily. I place a hand over top of all Emily's scars and Emily shuts her eyes.

I shut my eyes also and focus my energy on healing and removing Emily's scars. Slowly and surely, I can sense them disappearing. I hear gasps from everyone else and I know that I have sensed right. I open my eyes and see Emily's face have been wiped clean of her scars. I slowly sit back down next to Paul, closing my eyes as I feel drained out of energy and dizzy.

The pack look at Emily and gasp more. Sam's face is filled with shock as he kisses Emily.

" You ok, there JC?" Jasper asks me as he senses my energy and emotions drained out. My eyes flutter open and I see everyone still has shocked and surprised faces on as they look over at me. They take one look at me and they all look concerned.

"Hmmm?" I hum out a response, weakly. Carlisle moves over next to me and places a hand on my forehead and I weakly smile at him.

" Jaclyn, are feeling alright?" Carlisle asks me and I nod slightly. I groan as another dizzy spell comes on just from that motion and I lay my head on Paul's lap, contently.

" I'm fine guys, really." I say as I rest my eyes and just listen, saving my energy that is slowly building up again.

" Jaclyn?!" The guys yell out but I ignore them.

" Guys, let her rest. She's fine." Scar tells them and I sense them backing off a little.

" How do you know that?" Paul demands at her.

" Because this has happened before and I know a lot more about her then you do, at this moment." Scar angrily snaps and Paul growls at her. I feel Paul play with my hair and I relax.

I rest for a few minutes before I open my bright blue eyes again and see everyone with a worried look on their faces. I smile reassuringly at them and they give me a weak smile and calm down except Paul. I raise my head up and get up slowly. Paul tries to get me to rest more but I ignore him and sit next to him, entwining our hands and slightly rubbing his finger with mine, which slowly relaxes him as I look at everyone smiling.

" So how long have you had that power?" Carlisle questions, curiously.

" For quite some time but I barely use it." I tell him.

" Why?" Sam demands slightly.

" It drains my energy and if I use it too much then I could end up killing myself. How, I looked before was only a small reaction of using a little bit of it." I explain.

" Oh." Sam says.

" Thank-you, Jaclyn." Emily says, smiling and free of scars.

" You are very welcomed, Emily." I say back.

" It sure did drain a lot out of you." Jasper comments and I nod my head.

" Yeah it does. The only real downfall to it is that I can't use it on myself." I say with a pout and everyone laughs, knowing I'm trying to lighten up the room.

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