Chapter.4- Playful Healing

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Ch. 4- Playful Healing

* Saturday afternoon*

* Picture of the wolf pack and Cullens*

Beep...Beep...Beep.. A really annoying beeping sound wakes me up and my body isn't hurting as badly as before. I hear loud noisy snoring surround me. I open my eyes but quickly shut them due to the bright lights. I slowly open my eyes and let my eyes adjust to the light. I smile as I see all my family(aka the pack and imprints) all sleeping around me in the Cullen's medical room.

Imprints sleeping with their wolf on couches and chairs, snuggling close to each other. Kim with Jared, Clair with Quill and Sam and Emily. The wolves all having protective arms around their imprints or another wolf. I smile as I see Paul and Jacob on either side of me on the queen-size bed that I'm on. Poor Seth's head is on my lap and his arms are cuddling close to my legs. I see Collin laying against the bed and Brady using Collin's stomach as a pillow.

Embry is using Brady as a pillow. Leah is cuddling up to her brother on the bed with an arm lazily over his stomach and her face nestled in the back of his neck. I feel Paul's arm snake tightly around my waist, pulling me a little bit closer to his chest. I smile bright.

Aww, he's a cuddlier. I look up to see a peaceful look on his face as he softly snores.

They are all so cute when they sleep like this. It's like they are all kids again. Sam must be running them hard.

I notice Jake's head is resting on my left shoulder but it doesn't hurt or bother me at all. Paul's head is just resting just above my head, breathing in the scent of my hair. Seth whimpers in his sleeping and I gently smooth his sandy, smooth hair, calming him down.

They are so adorable like this. It's just like they forgot about their worries and just focus on something happy.

Carlisle mouths," How are you feeling?". I mouth back with, " I feel good but then again, I can't really move anything.". He laughs a silent laugh as he moves to my left shoulder where Jacob is. He taps his cold finger on Jacob's closest shoulder and instinctively Jacob moves his head that way, resting his head on the bed on that side. Carlisle then unbandages my left shoulder and as soon as he presses his freezing, cold vampire finger on my wound, I yelp a tiny sound.

Paul and the other wolves stir and shift in their sleep and Carlisle and I both freeze until they go back to deeply sleeping. He quickly rebandages my shoulder and I notice an IV in my left hand and show him, pouting slightly. He rolls his eyes but unhooks it for me anyway. I slowly move out of Paul's grip without waking him up and slowly climb out of the bed.

I think for a couple of seconds before I slowly move Seth's head and places it on Paul's legs instead. Leah moves closer to her brother and I quickly tiptoe around the sleeping boys and out of the room, where Carlisle is waiting by the door. He helps me down the stairs and into the living room where he gets me to sit down on the couch as he unwraps my stomach. I yelp in agony and I hear the guys wake up and start panicking wondering where I am.

" Downstairs in the living room." Carlisle calls to them and I know they can still hear him with their super hearing.

I hear them thundering down the stairs, shoving and pushing each other, almost killing themselves in the process. I roll my eyes at their stupidity in almost killing themselves. I see the guys arrive first, followed by the imprints.

" Hey, guys." I say, pretending to be happy for them even if I'm in pain.

The guys still look tired but are really happy to see me up and about. The pack sits in different places around the living room beside their imprints or by themselves. I see the Cullens join us and I smile.

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