Chapter.35-Mashed Potatoes

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 Ch.35- Mashed Potatoes

*Author Note:

Dear readers, I have changed the skin colour of both Chase and Isaac to be tan, just like Jayy. I have done this to hopefully be able to make the story a bit more interesting for you to read. That is all from me, and please continue reading my story. Thank you*

The silence in the room is deafening as Paul and I stare at each other. He moved himself from the end of my bed and sat down beside me. I wonder how he isn't on his patrol right now, maybe Sam let him off or let him switch with someone else. I also wonder who carried me to the nurse's office, since all I remember is a warm hand touching my cool arm, which could have been anyone; human or not. My eyebrows push together in thought, as I think about what to say first, or if I should say anything at all; my fingernails itching at my palms. My eyes glance up to Paul's and it's like he can read me like an open book, like he's reading my soul, knowing me from the inside out, but if he did then he would realize how broken I've felt and the pain I've gone through, but he doesn't.

"What are you thinking so hard about? "Paul asks curious, finally breaking the silence that was between us. I'm tempted to bite my lip, as a nervous habit of mine, considering Paul has made me nervous loads of times, but almost always in a good way; the type that can lead to butterflies in your stomach. My eyes cast themselves down, to the side, and then back up to his as I try to calm my nervous ticks.

"How do you know if I'm even thinking of anything or anything specific? "I fire back at him, causing him to let out a small chuckle at finally getting me to talk or to even react.

"Well, besides the hint that you just gave me, I know because I know how you are and you in general. Your eyebrows always push together like that when you are thinking hard on something. You almost always bite your lip out of being nervous, deep in thought, and especially for certain other reasons." Paul explains, a small smile on his lips as he casts me a wink near the end of speaking. My eyes widen a fraction in surprise before they go back to normal, as I wonder what I should say next. Paul has a look of patience on his face as if he is willing to wait years or wait until I'm ready to talk. I take a deep breath on clear my mind.

"It's just that I don't know where to begin. I also have questions for you as well. "I comment to him and he raises his eyebrows in curiosity at what possible questions that I have for him.

"I suppose that we could start with the questions you have for me and work our way from there. "Paul says thoughtfully, considering that would be easier on me so that I can build the confidence to confide in someone. I smile at him, nodding my head in agreement.

"Yeah, that would work better. So why aren't you on patrol right now? "I ask him and as soon as the words are out of my mouth, he almost gives me this exasperated look as if I offended him, which I hope I didn't, but it wouldn't be the first time.

"Are you saying you don't want me here? "Paul says, acting offended, but I can see the twinkle in his eyes that he gets whenever he's trying to cause trouble and bug someone. My eyes widen, going along with his act since I don't mean to offend him.

"No, that's not what I meant. You know I want you here. "I respond back quickly, and his lips form a huge smirk. I look at him in confusion.

"Oh, so you do enjoy my company then? Although, it must be more then just my company. "He smirks back at me, causing me to glare at him briefly, then roll my eyes in response.

"Well, at times, it certainly isn't your ugly personality. Egotistic, perverted bastard." I retort back, the beginning of my sentence is full of sarcasm, but Paul just ignores that comment, letting it just roll off his shoulders.

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