Chapter 26: Urchin's departure

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Urchin and Ariel spent as much time together as possible for the next couple of hours. 

"Urchin? Its time to go" King Triton said.

"Really? already? but daddy just a few more hours" Ariel begged.

"I'm sorry Ariel, but he needs to get going" Triton said. 

Ariel hugged Urchin as she said, "I'll miss you so much"

He hugged her back and said, "I'll miss you to my darling"

The couple released eachother from their embrace and Urchin turned to swim away until a small voice asked, "Where's daddy Urchin going? is he leaving me too? like my real daddy?"

Urchin turned around to see Melody with tears in her blue eyes, before he could say anything Melody swam off crying.

"Princess, wait!" Urchin called after her using his nickname he gave her.

"Daddy, please just a couple more minutes. Melody needs to know why Urchin is leaving" Ariel said looking at her father.

Triton nodded understandingly as he said, "Be quick"

Ariel and Urchin nodded before swimming away towards Melody's room.

In melody's room

Melody threw herself onto her clam shell bed as she cried not hearing her mother or Urchin come in.

"Shh my princess. It's alright…it's alright." Urchin's voice soothed. He sighed heavily as he watched his step daughter's shoulders shake back and forth, her sobs muffled by the pillow she had buried her face in.

After a few moments, Melody raised her head from the tear soaked pillow and looked at Urchin, her voice trembled as she asked, "Why are you leaving me? was I bad?"

Urchin looked at Ariel who mouthed, "I'll be outside if you need me" before leaving.

The blonde merman pulled the little mer girl on his lap before saying, "I would never leave you. You and your mommy are everything to me, I just have to go on a little trip for Grandpa but I promise, I'll be back as soon as possible" Urchin said.

Melody looked at him with teary eyes and said, "Who will tell the sea monsters to go away if your gone?"

"I'll have uncle Cyan to scare them away for my little girl" Urchin said tickling her.

Ariel poked her head in, "Urchin daddy asked if you were ready yet"

Sighing Urchin stood up with Melody in his arms and said, "Yeah, are you going to see me off?"

"Of course" The redhead said.

The trio swam out the room to meet up with the sea king.

"All set?" Triton asked looking at Urchin.

"Yes sir" Urchin replied as he handed Melody to Ariel.

"We'll miss you" Ariel said quietly looking at her husband.

"I'll miss you both to" Urchin said kissing her and Melody, "I'll write you every chance I get"

Without another word Urchin turned and swam towards his destination.


What does Mulan's grandmother give her for luck?

a. A pendant

b. An apple

c. A cricket

d. A necklace

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaWhere stories live. Discover now