Chapter 22: Heading back home

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"Ariel, let's go. he's not worth it" Urchin reassured her lightly dragging her away from Eric.

Ariel was still fuming as she allowed Urchin to drag her away from her ex before saying, "I should have never saved that fork tounged land serpent!"

"Melody, sweetie, why don't you walk ahead to see if you can see our home, but stay where you can still be seen by us okay?" Urchin suggested.

"Okay" Melody chirped as she walked ahead of the two adults.

"Darling, it's okay. We'll be back in the sea in no time and everything will be okay" Urchin murmured.

"I know, but I'm still worried" Ariel confessed.

"About?" he questioned.

"Melody, being up here to long. Eric might try something" Ariel said sighing.


"Agh! daddy it hurts!" Attina cried out in pain.

"I know, sweetheart" Triton said looking down at his eldest daughter.

"Baby, I'm right here. You're doing great" Cyan said while holding her hand.

Attina smiled at her husband, but it quickly turned into a grimace as another pain hit.

"It's time, I need everyone out. including you, your majesty" Coral the mer wife said while swimming into the room.

The reluctant mer men swam out of the room after giving Attina some more encouraging words.

"I should be in there with Attina. She is my wife after all" Cyan said bitterly.

"I know, but it is required for males to wait outside" Triton commented.

Sebastian walked in at that moment before saying, "Ariel is by the sea.

"Alright. Sebastian, I want you to stay with Cyan until I get back" Triton told the crab.

"Yes your majesty" Sebastian said as he watched the king swim off towards the surface.

Dedication challenge:

which former wrestler starred in the 2009 film race to which mountain?

a. The Rock

b. John Cena

c. Cody Rhoades

d. Randy Orton

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaWhere stories live. Discover now