Chapter 20: Finding Melody

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"I'll take you, come on" the policeman told them.

They started talking as they walked to the station.

At the police station

"Hi, sweetie, what's your name?" A policewoman asked bending down to her eye level.

Melody stayed quiet as she looked at the three strangers.

"We think she's mute, and that's why she can't speak" Mrs. Daniels spoke up.

"Mrs. Daniels, you and your husband can leave now. You've done your good deed of the day, but now it's time to let the police handle it" the policewoman stated slightly irritated.

Back to Ariel, Urchin and the policeman

"Where y'all from? the policeman asked.

"Atlantica" Urchin murmured.

"Atlantica? Wow, is that some kind of foreign country? the policeman asked.

"You can say that, I'm Ariel and this is my husband Urchin by the way" Ariel told him.

Back at the police station

"I want to stay in case her parents don't come claim her" Mrs. Daniels said.

"Mrs. Daniels, she's a child. Not some expensive artifact" the policewoman supplied.

"I'm just stating the fact, that this girls mother should be charged for neglect. I mean what mother could just abandon her five year old" Mrs. Daniels said matter of factly.

Melody had enough of this woman who was addressed as 'Mrs. Daniels' talk bad about her mother.

"My mommy would never leave me! She loves me and so does my daddy Urchin. My mommy's looking for me right now, I just know it and I'm six, not five" Melody spoke up anger clearly in her voice.

"Sweetheart, what's your name and your mommy's name?" the policewoman asked again.

"Melody, and mommy's name is Ariel" Melody spoke up.

Ariel, Urchin and the policeman arrived at the police station and walked in.

"Mimi, I have a young couple looking for their six year old daughter. She's got black hair and blue eyes. Get an APB out for her will you?" the policeman asked the female officer.

"Uh, sir. We don't need one, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels brought in a little girl fitting that description.

Melody looked up and saw her mom and the mer man she thought of as her dad rush towards her.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Melody cried happily as she ran over to them.

Urchin looked taken back by what

Melody just said. As she's never called him that before.

"We've been looking everywhere for you" Urchin said hugging her.

"Are you this little girls parents?" Mrs. Daniels asked.

Dedication challenge:

What is the name of the girl Shaggy falls for in Alien invaders?

A. Deliah

B. Mary Jane

C. Crystal

D. Cokie

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora