Chapter 23: Meeting Damien...and Caprice

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Triton broke through the surface and saw Ariel, Melody, and Urchin waiting for him. He also saw the still angered look on Ariel's face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"We'll tell you later daddy, can you just turn us back" Ariel said.

With that Triton's trident started glowing and the three became mer people once again.

They all dive below the surface and swam towards Atlantica.

"Daddy? How's Attina? Did she have the baby yet?" Ariel asked excitedly.

"Slow down Ariel, Attina's doing fine. She's with the birthing mer mid wife right now" Triton said.

In the birthing room at the palace

"Agh!" Attina yelled tears in her eyes.

"Just one more push, your Highness" Coral said soothingly.

Attina nodded as she gave one last push and heard Damien's cry.

"My baby boy" Attina said quietly looking at her new son.

"Your Highness, would you like Cyan to come in?" Coral asked.

Attina just shook her head yes, barely looking up from the sleeping mer boy.

Coral  swam to the waiting room and brought Cyan in to see his son and wife.

"Isn't he handsome?" Attina said before letting out a gasp of pain.

"Babe? What is it? what's wrong?" Cyan asked worried.

"I feel like I'm having another contraction" Attina whimpered.

"Your majesty, you must leave" Coral ordered ushering the worried mer man back out of the room. 

Attina began to push again like she did before

The trio made it back to the palace only to be greeted by a very panicked Cyan.

"Your Majesty! Oh thank Neptune! Attina she-" Cyan started but got cut off by Coral who came out of the room.

"She has two surprises for you" Coral announced beckoning Cyan and the others into the room to see Attina holding to bundles.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Damien..... and our surprise little girl, Caprice" Attina said smiling up at Cyan.

"Their beautiful, my darling" Cyan said leaning down to kiss her.

"Mommy?" Melody asked lightly tugging her mother's hand.

"What is it sweetheart?" Ariel asked.

"I wanna see auntie Attina and the new babies" Melody said.

Ariel looked at Cyan to see if it was alright and earned a nod from her brother in law. She lifted Melody up to see her new cousins.

Dedication challenge:

What animal is Kaa from Jungle Book?

a. rabbit

b. deer

c. snake

d. bear

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaWhere stories live. Discover now