Chapter 24: Triton talks to Cyan

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"Alright let the new mom and babies get their sleep" Coral said swimming in the room.

"Get some rest my darling" Cyan said bending down to kiss her.

"I'll try. Goodnight everyone, oh and daddy?" Attina said.

"Yes Attina?" Triton looked at his eldest.

"Have the other girls come by tomorrow please?" Attina told him, "I want them to meet their neice and nephew"

"Of course" Triton said.

In Ariel and Urchin's room

"Urchin, I've been thinking" Ariel said as she sat down.

'Oh no this cannot be good' Urchin thought, "About what my darling?"

"It's nothing bad, it's just that we've never actually went on our honeymoon or have gotten to make our marriage complete" Ariel reassured him after noticing the scared look on his face.

In Triton's chambers the sea king was having a hard time falling asleep, so he swam out to the gardens to his late wife's statue and began to talk to it.

"My beautiful Athena, I wish you could be here with us. Melody is growing up so fast and Athena gave birth to two beautiful merbabies"

In Gabriella's cave, Gabriella lost her voice and hearing again.

"It should've worked! Ugh, I can't believe he's still with that redheaded little traitor!" Gabriella signed furiously.

"Gabby, calm down. Why can't you just accept who he fell in love with" Ollie said.


"Gabs, you'll find someone to love and who truely loves you" Ollie signed.

"No! I don't want anyone else! I want Urchin and I'll get what I want one way or another" Gabriella signed back swimming back in forth.

"Oh no" thought Ollie, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm going to find another way to split them up" she signed enthusiastically.

"You are? and how exactly are you going to do that?" Ollie asked.

"I'm going to seduce him to make him fall in love with me to the point where he leaves Ariel crushed and heartbroken" Gabriella signed with a smile.

In Ariel and Urchin's room

"I was thinking, well what if we went on our proper honeymoon this weekend?" Urchin asked her.

Ariel's eyes lit up, as she said "Urchin that would be lovely"

"Great, I'll talk to your father about it in the morning" Urchin said smiling.

Ariel and Urchin curled up together and fell asleep. 

In Cyan and Attina's room

Cyan is having a hard time sleeping without his wife beside him, so he decides to go for a swim. Cyan sees King Triton by the late queens statue.

"Hello your magesty" Cyan said as he bowed.

"Cyan, you don't have to bow every time you see me" the aging sea king replied.

"I'm sorry your majesty, it's just that I'm not used to not bowing to someone of higher power" Cyan explained.

"It's quite alright, so tell me, why can't you sleep?"

"I'm worried about Attina, sir. We had quite a shock with our little mer princesses arrival and I can't help but feel like I'll be doing this daddy thing all wrong" Cyan confessed. 

"Attina's strong, like her mother was and I too was scared of being a bad father with each of my girls" Triton confessed.

"Really?" Cyan asked with surprise as he thought the king wasn't worried about anything.

"Of course, becoming a parent is a really scary thing to come by" Triton said.

dedication challenge :

Why did Melody agree to get the trident?

a. she was mad at her grandfather

b. Morgana tricked her into it

c. she was mad at her mom

d. she wanted to stay a mermaid forever

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