Chapter 18: Rescuing Melody

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Up on land Melody was scared and feeling alone. I wish my mom was here along with Urchin. Melody thought. She got up to go explore while she waited to be rescued.

Meanwhile Triton and Ariel's sisters were still urgently searching the sea unaware of what happened.

"Daddy still no sign of Melody" Attina reported to her father as her and Cyan swam up. "Ah" Attina clutched her stomach.

"Honey what's wrong?" Cyan asked worry in his eyes.

"The baby... I think it's time" she replied.

Ariel and Urchin swam up along with Flounder and Sebastian.

"Your highness what's wrong?" The crab asked rushing over to the elder sister.

"The baby.... Ah" Attina started to say as another contraction hit.

"Sebastian, get Attina and Cyan to the palace doctor. I'll continue the search for Melody with Urchin and Ariel" Triton ordered.

"Yes your majesty. Come you two" Sebastian said swimming towards the palace.

"Daddy, we know where Melody is. Medusa sent her to the surface and I need you to turn us into humans long enough to find her" Ariel explained.

Dedication challenge:

How did Athena (Ariel's mom in case you didn't know) die?

A. Natural causes

B. Giving birth to Ariel

C. Because of Ursula

D. A ship

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaWhere stories live. Discover now