Chapter 10: Ariel and Melody visit the surface

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The next morning, Ariel was dreading to go up to the surface, but she knew she had to for Melody.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Triton asked.

"Daddy, I'm not ever going to leave the sea again" Ariel reassured her father.

"I'm ready" Melody called from behind them.

"We'll be back daddy" Ariel told her worried father.

Melody and Ariel swam up to the surface and Ariel immediatly felt like something bad was about to happen. They heard voices a little ways off from where they were at.

"Ariel?" Scuttle the seagull asked landing on a nearby rock.

"Hi, Scuttle. Melody this is scuttle, he's the one who told me all about what my collection was" Ariel said.

"Nice to meet you" Melody said politely.

"Guess what I got back?" Ariel said happily.

"Your voice. No, you got that back after I broke the spell" Scuttle said.

"My fins" She said showing her green tail.

"What happened? How did you get your tail back?" He asked confused.

Before she could tell him, a male voice spoke up from behind them making Scuttle fly off, "Well I see that you turned back into your true disgusting form"

Ariel ignored the insult "Look, I didn't even want to come back up here, but -"

"Then why are you?" Eric sneered.

"Melody, wanted to meet you" She said.

"She's not my daughter. My child is in here" Eric placed his hand on Anastasia's stomach.

"Eric, Melody is too your child!" Ariel's voice rose.

"How can she be? She's a disgusting creature, just like you" Eric smirked.

Ariel heard a splash and caught a slight glimpse of Melody's tail before it disappeared.

"Melody! Wait!" She called before diving back under water.

Back under the sea, Melody swam to a nearby cave and swam inside to cry. Ariel finds her and comforts her by singing the song her mother used to sing to her and her sisters

Oh, the waves roll low

And the waves roll high

And so it goes

Under the bright blue Endless Sky

Waves try to measure

The days that we treasure

Wave hello

And wave goodbye

"Mom? Why did he call us creatures?" Melody asked drying her tears.

"I don't know, I guess I didn't know him well enough" Ariel said.

Tip and Dash saw them and swam over to say hi.

"Hi, Mel, are you okay?" Dash asked noticing the sad look on her face.

"I went to meet my father, and it didn't go well. He called us creatures" Melody said looking at her tail.

"I'm sorry Melody, your not a creature, your a lovely young mermaid" Tip told her trying to cheer her up.

"I guess, mom, can we go home?" She asked.

"Of course" Ariel told her leading her home.

Urchin saw them pass by, but neither of the upset looking mermaids said hello.

"I wonder what's wrong?" Urchin asked out loud to no one in particular.

He decides to go check to make sure they are okay, so he swims off towards the palace.

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In the movie Ghost how did Patrick Swayze's character die?

a. gunshot

b. stabbed

c. car accident

d. cancer

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaWhere stories live. Discover now