Chapter 16: Ariel and Urchin discover Melody's missing

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Arista met her sister and new brother in law at the palace doors.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here? Your supposed to be at the Land of Dinosaurs for your honeymoon"

"Arista! Is Melody here? I was worried about her" Ariel told her sister.

"Yeah, she's probably with Flounder" she lied.

Flounder swam up with his kids at that moment, Arista! I still can't locate Melody and I saw Ariel and Urchin heading this way" Flounder reported despite Arista's attempts to keep him quiet.

"Melody's missing?!" Ariel cried making Flounder gulp.

"Did I say missing? I uh meant hiding, yeah uh she's hiding from me because uh we're playing" the guppy said.

"Flounder, we're is Melody?" Urchin asked.

"I saw her talking to Gabriella" he confessed.

"Do you know if she left with her?" Ariel asked.

"I honestly don't know, I had to go get jr. from daycare" Flounder said.

Flounder swam away as Ariel cried in Urchin's arms.

"We'll find her okay? I promise" Urchin told her.


Gabriella half drags Melody to Medusa.

"Let go of me! I want to go home!" Melody cried.

"Your not going anywhere, you little brat, or until Urchin says that he'll be with me instead of your mother" Gabriella said.

"Urchin loves my mother" Melody said.


What type of animals are Pocahontas' friends?

Squirrel, rabbit, deer

Skunk, possum, lemur

Hummingbird, raccoon, dog

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaWhere stories live. Discover now