Chapter 17: Finding Gabriella

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"We'll just see how much he loves your mother, when it comes down to decision time" the Latina laughed.

"Why are you doing this? I finally have a dad who loves me" the little mermaid said.

"Why?! I'm doing this because your mother took away the only merman I loved" she screamed angerily.

Medusa made a potion to turn Melody into a human, sprinkling it on the young mermaid, she began to transform, her tail turned into a pair of legs and not being able to speak under water any more the young princess began to swim up to the surface. Once she got up to the surface Melody gasped for air before swimming to shore.

Ariel and Urchin got to the cave

"Haha, your too late. She's gone" Gabriella squealed with delight.

"No, she can't be gone. What have you done with her?" Ariel cried.

"You can say, she's learning how to stand on her own two feet" the latina said.

"Why did you do this? Your not the same friend I had before I left the sea" the redheaded hermaid said.

"Why? WHY! You deserted us for that human, Urchin always had a thing for you and you never even noticed then when you left he was devastated. He should be with me, I'm the one that loved him and did he ever notice me? No" Gabriella ranted.

"Gabby, you know I've always loved Ariel and have always thought of you as a friend" the blonde mermaid said.

"Why! She left us for the human world and had that thing with that human!" Gabriella yelled.

"Melody's not a thing, she's my daughter and I would do anything for her" Ariel sobbed.

"Ariel, think of what Gabriella said "she's learning to stand on her own two feet" " Urchin quoted.

"She's no longer under the sea, she's on land" Ariel gasped before swimming out of the cave.

"Wait up, how are we going to find her on land?" Urchin asked.

"I have to ask my father to transform me into a human long enough to find Melody" she stated swimming faster.

"I wanna go with you, I need to help you search for our daughter. She might not be my flesh in blood, but I love her just the same'' he said making Ariel smile.


What's the baboons name in the Lion King?

a. Simba

b. Timon

c. Rafikki

d. Mufasa

Ariel and Melody: return to the seaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora