A man who leads two lifes.

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I was shocked to see it was my father. I did not want to meet my father the way I did. He just looked at me as though I was a lost puppy. He look at me as though he knew me most of life. "Are really my father?" I couldn't help to ask ,I looked so much like him. He just keep looking at me as though he was looking for some little details that I didn't even know about. He spoke with a deep voice and said"I think so ,but just to be sure do you have a birth mark the shape of a heart in your back?" How did he know about that . I took a deep breath and slowly came out and said "How did you know about that ," as though I couldn't look less shocked that on one from the island never knew other then my grandmother. This man must be my father, their is no one else that could have known about that other than the people who there for my birth. I have now found my father all I could do was hug him. He was shocked for a moment back then he hugged me back. I looked at him then asked "Why did you leave me with her ? Didn't you love me, it's not that you didn't know about me! So how could you just leave me with her?"
He looked at me and said "I never left you honey come with me back to the manner I'll show you," he grabbed my hand walked me to the car. As he lead me to the car I couldn't help but ask what my name was going to be so I looked at him an asked "Father what was my going to be?" He looked at my shocked at the word father and looked back at me and said "Tyche Faith Martha Wayne. I would have named you something else but your mother wanted to put you name of the goddess of good luck and fortune. So I agreed with her as long as you had my mother name."
"Wow, she would have never told me about this all . So hum father what's your real name ?"
"Bruce Wayne of Wayne Industries. Sorry I just mean Bruce Wayne."
We slowly pulled into the drive way. As we got the car into the manner he took me to the east wing, and there we stopped the third door from the stair case .As he opened the door I saw a mirror outline of Gotham and an view of a bay . I never had this feeling of being more at home then I did now. I turn to my father and smiled saying"I know that I would have loved being your daughter."
I gave him a hug he wasn't as shocked as he was before he returned the hug faster this time. I walked into the middle of my room touched everything that I would have had . I saw a rocking horse and other things, but the one thing that suck out was a photo of my mother and father smiling by Gotham bay it was a sunny day and they looked so in love. It was the photo that she at her bedside. She was in love with him but what happened. What made her stop was the fact of the Amazon? No that couldn't be because if it was she would have new told him about me. A knock on the door I turned around it was Dick .
"Hey Faith are you okay?" I could see that he was trying to ask me in the nice way , but I couldn't deal with it right now.
"Hmmm , yes I'm quite alright," I said but he just keep looking at me " Is there something else you wanted to ask me?"
" Hmmm , yeah I was wondering if you , hmmm I don't know would like to you know ?"I couldn't real tell what he was trying to tell me , men are so hard to read. Something just spring out of my mouth "I like ice cream ,why don't we try that ?"
" Hmmm, yeah say about eight I'll pick you up here."
I just nodded my head I felt like such I foolish girl. I looked at the way I was dressed I looked awful . Alfred came in the room after Dick left and said"Miss Wayne is there something you like to do before you meet Mr. Grayson."
" Yes , of course just look at me. I look like a complete mess. "
"Your mother's clothes may fit you of course this was before you."
Alfred lead me to a box where all of my mother's clothes were packed in one single box . She must of not stayed long. Seem like she's always like that . Believe it or there were some cute things my mother. I now looked a lot nicer then what I was wearing. Yet for some reason it still felt weird like something was off. I slowly walk to the clock and I pushed right into it. The feeling was strange almost as if were calling me.

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