The ending (Destiny chosen)

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Tear stained cheeks of lloyd garmadon begun to swing his arm towards the figure of kai smith who had wrapped around lloyd in a warm embrace. A shiny silver blade shone in that blinding moment. As the blade was nearly embedded into the red ninja an arm swung and deflected the blade sending it flying towards a fair distance away from the green boy. 

ï'm so sorry! so sorry! i'm sorry! please i never... please..." the sad voice of lloyd trailed off into sorrowful wails. Kai knew that he would never be mad at lloyd; much to lloyd's shock instead of Kai hating lloyd like how he expected this to turn out. Kai once again wrapped lloyd into a warm embrace; it was a lot warmer than most hugs as Kai was Master of Fire which was comforting for lloyd as his hands were trembling from both terror and the cold. 

Sirens of alarmed people in the castle rang throughout the halls below. "ATTACK! attack at the west hills of the castle." A solider spoke to alert many who resided in enclosed areas of the castle and wasn't aware of the invasion which includes both lloyd and kai.  

From the tower morro could be seen  leading an army of goons along with his trusted generals like e, Harumi a crazy yandere, killow who had a buff demeanour but a brain the size of a pea and ultra violet another crazy yandere. The kingdom was in complete lockdown the guards, ninjas (not including lloyd and kai) and wu and garmadon set out to fight.                                                "it's all my fault they knew that i failed they ... they're gonna kill me... they're gonna kill everyone... they're gonna kill you..." by the time lloyd stopped panic-talking another load of tears escaped the mentally brocken down teen.                                                                                                      "shhhhh its gonna be okay, look i'm still here i won't leave you lloyd... Kai leans in and kisses lloyd... because i love you... lets go and fight will you join me or?..." the question lingered in lloyds mind. he was unsure if he even had the guts to even fight his father figure but he certainly didn't want to betray his new friends, family and love. He just didn't know...

As lloyd and Kai travelled towards the ninjas on the battle field along with the guards, the generals of morros army had split up their giant mass of an army into smaller groups as they had been tasked with the job of securing their victory from within the kingdom while morro dealt wwith the castle and a certain green pest. Morro still had most of his army when the battle between the good guys and him were versing. Both sides were pretty even, tied by the tired endurance of both sides. At the sidelines in the middle stood a puffy red eyed figure of lloyd garmadon.                                                                                                                                                                  "Stop... please" tears dried out staining his cheeks, lost in his decision to help or not. It was common knowledge between everyone on the battlefield that lloyd could very well change the tides of this battle. Morro especially knew as he and his shazezago generals had raised lloyd to be the ultimate weapon. 

lloyd stared at the battlefield filled with blood and grim. Many were down but there was still a relative portion standing up. On one side there was the people who let him in the ones who didn't know who he was but still accepted him prince or not he was their friend, but lloyd couldn't well disregard the fact that morro has been his father figure for most of his life. For a split second lloyd thought he had Stockholm syndrome and internally face palmed. 

The answer was obvious but being loyal to Morro for so many years had become something like a habit or instinct instead of a choice. Aside from morro there was one person who was also making him regret betraying morro someone who is still close to his heart who lloyd just can't betray. That was e. Unknown to lloyd all the hard thinking resulted lloyd to start heating up releasing heatwaves of fire. All noticed and stopped fighting when a larger rush of heat contacted them. Taking this chance e who was beside morro decided to take action. Lloyd looked up watching e as the stares of others went unnoticed to the blond boy. A swift kick to Morros face had restarted the fights. Morro and e began to fight while wu and garmadon who were fighting Morro previously took the chance with their new ally to gang up on him.                      "So you betray me! After everything i did for you... i am your creator after all!" yelled a furious Morro. Morro couldn't speak anymore as a punch contacted his left side of his face. e took the chance to yell to lloyd "follow your heart, you aren't a prisoner of him one day you will get to choose your destiny, Remember lloyd remember! that day is now!" e shouted. 


A young lloyd runs up to e crying about another brutal session with morro, the child could be no more than six or seven in this incident. "i don't want to hurt people, e; i dont want to be like father! he.. he's... i'm scared. Father always says that i should blame destiny, that destiny chose this for me!" weeped a young lloyd. "oh lloyd its okay to be scared, remember you are not a prisoner of destiny one day there will be a chance for you to choose your path to choose your destiny, just follow your heart but be smart about it too, okay?" 

flashback end

Lloyd remembered, there was so much that he had forgotten but now he remembers that he wasn't a prisoner that he was a bird free off its shackle free of its cage. A loud yelp startled lloyd back to reality. Morro had created a large wind sword and had ended up cutting off e's left arm and right leg along with it piercing through his main power storage. Sparks of electricity replaced the places where he lost his limbs.                                                                                                              "stupid heap of metal; such a worthless traitorous piece of trash!" was all that morro said after ruthlessly cutting down a former comrade.

lloyd was a good several metres away from them there were platoons of thugs and guards in between lloyd and morro. lloyd's eyes flashed red. He charged up first earth to create a earth quake to throw them off balance. ice to trap as many as he could but left the guards that served the castle along. Speed and shadow to strike out each goon and with the use of poison which was and automatic K.O. and sound which amplified his volumes to maximum sounds "YOU PIECE OF SH*T, F*CKING DIE!" The ninja's, generals, other goons, guards and especially morro, Kai and Garmadon were horrified. Kai ran towards lloyd blocking and weapons flung his or lloyds way. Killow one of the Generals  tried to sneak attack lloyd but Kai's fire made him halt but Ultra Violet pounced ontop Kai knocking him onto the ground semi conscious. Lloyd turned around saw the aftermath of the three fighting he summoned his fire directed at both Killow and Ultra Violet melting away their weapons and resulted them to suffer from third degree burns maybe some worse. 

harumi had engaged into hand to hand combat with lloyd and lloyd ultimately beats her ending with a punch to lloyds stomach but lloyd added his speed which increased the impact knocking her breathe out and a couple broken bones.  

Morro was last. The thugs would be dealt with easily by the others. morro was panicking his plan was foiled by his on effort and hard-work. A mere child had defeated not only all of his strongest generals and army of goons buthis past selfe was like surly the numbers which were staggereing would've brought and edge for him in this battle.

karma was a b*tch!

lloyd wrapped his hand around morro's neck crying unable to complete the finishing move. while his other hand still had a small ignited fire blazing wu, garmadon and the ninjas not including nya who was tending to kai all ran over to help lloyd.                                                            Morro says loud enough for wu to hear,  "this was all your fault wu!" before morro smirked at lloyd and the others, he reached into his pocket and a small vile of nitroglycerine emerged morro drags lloyds ignited hand over to the bottle which caused a large explosion. "BOOM!"Morro saw his life flash before him; this is death at its finest. lloyd to lay on the ground unconcious with minor injuries which was a miracle as by last second morro threw lloyd away to avoid the explosion. While morro was nowhere to be seen...

Author's back hope you like this chapter next will be the last chapter the epilogue! 

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