Ill consider to being a ninja

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Lloyd's POV
Waking up I Was rubbing my head I had a horrible dream that night. My dream was me finding out that I was the prince of ninja go. Like how stupid is that! I was laughing to myself until I heard the door open. It was kai he was holding up a try of food. " good you're awake, sensei well your uncle said you would wake up about now" I didn't give much thought into his sentence until he said "UNCLE????, I don't have an uncle" kai blinked at me for a few seconds before he spoke "uh prince don't you remember last night where we told you that you are the kings son and sensei is your uncle, you're prince llloyd of ninja go the rightful heir to the throne. "WAit that wasn't a dream!" I exclaimed. "Guess not, well eat up your breakfast k I'll see you later I need to go train" "train?" I reply "yeah I'm a ninja now, You're welcome to watch us if you want my prince" " um uh thanks for the offer" " anytime" I slumped back onto my pillow not even feeling to eat the amazing food food. I got up and dressed myself and ate the breakfast it was some kind of soft cake bread with butter and some sweet suave similar to honey, I ate it all not wanting to waste food even though I had no appetite. I opened my door and quietly sneaked out. I didn't know where to go I was lost. I walked aimlessly for a few minutes until I heard fighting noises and followed the sound I reached the Courtyard entrance and quietly stepped in. There were really cool contraptions stuff I have never seen. Unlike food I was an expert with fighting but it seems like I still had more training to do. One of the ninja must have noticed me watching and accidentally flung a sword towards me, they were all shouting for me to get away but instead of running my reflexes made me catch the flying sword and do backflips. I looked up and saw the shocked faces of the ninja and my uncle. I began walking over to the blue one and gave him the sword. Out of no where he started apologizing. " omgomgomgomgomgomg I am sosososososososososososoosososooso sorry your highness , I've never been good with swords and so sensei asked me to trained with them today I am so so so so so sorry"  " hey it's okay it was only an accident and anyway no one got hurt so it's fine" the blue guy was about to say something until kai spoke up " Prince that was great where did u learn that"      " oh that uh life situations" I lied though some skills of mine are self taught but  some well that's a secret. I told the to resume and I sat at the corner studying them. I was slowly getting bored until one of them summoned earth. I was shocked not because I never seen that but because I could do the same. Later the ninja all did different elements all the ones I could do.  Once their training was done I ran up to them and asked "how did you do that !?!?" They looked at me and asked what I meant I said " u know the summoning elements thing" "oh you mean this" answered kai show me his flaming hand "yeah I thought I was the only one who could do that, wow it's good to know there are other people and not just me" they looked confused and they said " u have elemental powers too what element are you?" " ah yeah well I have fire, earth, water, lighting, ice , wind and green energy also a whole lot other sub powers like speed, mind and other stuff" (just pretend Lloyd has all the the powers k). The ninja looked confused. I ignored the faces and asked where my uncle was. They said he was with the king. I started heading for the door thinking if I asked wu he would know what was going on he does seem very wise. Kai grabbed my arm and stopped me " sorry didn't mean to be so rough but I was wondering Lloyd will you consider consider training to be a ninja." I was shocked and so were the others but I still answered " I'll uh think about it....." "cool" was the only reply I got.

Ok thx guys for waiting but I have the new chapter here and I hope you like it

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