My First Friends Blood are on my Hands

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Flashback to lloyd's past- also this is in his present POV- it is replaying in his head

I was probably barely around ten at the time. I had nothing to do besides wake up train, eat, train some more, train, then eat then finally sleep. For years that has been my daily routine, ever since i could walk. However training was done either indoors or in the indoor training room. I've never been outside of the walls of Shazeago. Father says that i had to train hard everyday and waste no time. it was only a couple of days after my tenth birthday where i finally had enough. I've tried many times before pleading to just go outside. Father says that it's a waste of time that training is what i should be doing besides pleading on an empty case. Later that night, it was lights out for me. Well usually but this time i was determined to go outside. Honestly if Father didn't want me to go outside then he shouldn't have trained me so well. As i climb on top of the walls that i stare at everyday. I could hear voices; it seems that members of Shazeago were patrolling the area. It would be slightly more difficult to escape now but i'm sure i can get through. I stealthily sneaked into the dark shadowed corners made from the walls. Patiently waited for the right time to pounce. I had escaped into a near by forest. I honestly didn't think about getting lost but here i was lost in the middle of a forest. It was starting to get brighter with the moonlight dimming with each passing second and the sunlight dimly peaking its head out the horizons. I was really starting to panic, its about the time i wake up, they'll for sure now will find out i'm missing. As i wandered more there was a slight rustle of leaves. Three seconds later i had the rustler in a pose of immobility. It was a boy with jet black hair and dirty poor quality clothes. I remember it clearly on how i met my first friend. Trembling, nearly in tears, snot already leaking out of the nostrils. I released him and quickly apologised for my actions. I had informed him of my problem and he was happy to help me. It so happens that he was out in the forest collecting herbs before he was attacked by me. He lives at the nearby town by himself as an orphan, selling herbs as a means of business. I wasn't sure if the town he was from was the one that is near my home but all i wanted was to catch a glimpse of civilisation. You only live once after all. We automatically hit it off we started talking on the journey and telling jokes to each other.We were nearly at the end of the forest when suddenly pain hits me on the back and darkness had overcome my vision. I woke up in my bed and 'e' was there on my bedside. He obviously tried to stop me from going out but i was too worried about Brad to listen to orders. I entered the meeting room and i see Brad chained up on a torture device crying. I was shocked his red puffy eyes saw me he tried to say something but instead he coughs up blood. My father also spots me and ushers me forward. i argue with my father that it was my fault that i had sneaked out that Brad was innocent. My father had listened to none of that. Instead he replied with the argument that if i simply can not follow orders then i would need to be punished. A knife was thrown my way i caught it without much difficulty, the next few words traumatised me. "kill him Lloyd, then i might go easier on you, who knows i might even let you outside." lloyd the day before would have been ecstatic but if going outside and deifying Fathers orders means having to be punished by killing my first ever friend the I DON'T WANT ANY OF IT. My mind was set  defying father was a no can do but how can i kill him. i tightly clutched onto the knife ready to stab but not at the same time. With the little constricted movements brad had he forced me to come closer and i didn't realise that the knife had embedded into Brad. He quietly whispers into my ear "it's okay, i forgive you..." Just like that the blood of my first ever best friend was on my hands. I may have only known him for a short amount of time but he has been nothing but a good friend even to the end.

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