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Hey so be for u read this is an idea of @Awesomepandagirl257 in the chapter 'why am I here'  I asked for an idea because I had thought I lost my file of ideas/chapters on my laptop but I had luckily found it @Awesomepandagirl257 replied to the 'I need help message' so I up loaded the chapter I had already wrote and now I'm uploading the chapter with @Awesomepandagirl257 idea credit goes to her.

No ones POV
Lloyd and Wu walked into the courtyard, Wu casually sipping tea and lloyd looking a bit nervous. As Wu was giving out instructions to having a small fighting tournament so he can see Lloyd fight. A man with dark clothes hiding behind the trunk of the tree on one of the taller trees was listening. His job was to check up on the kid as he was sent on a mission and never came back. Let's just say he's one of the high ranking members of shazeago. He is respected by many in the gang it is his job to make sure the younger members do their job even if that member is the semi adopted son of their leader. If you're wondering who he is, what's his name well simple he has no real name. His nickname is 'silent' because he doesn't talk but some of the younger members say he is more of a mystery so they call him 'mystery'. All they know about him is that he is a he and to never mess with him as he doesn't play around. Why do they call him mystery well he always wear a motorcycle helmet mostly black but has a little bit of red. No one has ever seen his face before and they never heard him talk well none of the less respected members the exception of one youngster. Lloyd. Him being the semi adopted son of their leader he got to meet many of the high rankers. Lloyd's rank is odd to new members their cautions around him but many of the older members think treating him with tough love (yeah it's not really love) at a young age will get him to harden up. But enough of that back to the story. As Wu was talking silent/mystery decided to strike when the time was right he saw his chance the girl and a boy with spiky hair created a smoke screen. Silent jumped down the branch he was on and was about to strike Lloyd and kidnap him back to shazeago. But instead of catching Lloyd silent was about to strike kai. At that very moment Lloyds shot a blast of golden power resulting silent to be flung back into the stone wall surrounding the palace courtyard. When the others saw silent they were very confused and immediately went into a fighting stance. Lloyd runs up to silent and doesn't realize who he is so he shoots another blast but this time green energy was shot. Silent blocks it with his swords and runs but before he left he locked eyes with Lloyd and Lloyd immediately recognizes him "e" was the only word Lloyd got out before silent retreated into the woods.
Lloyd POV
I had seen a figure on a tall tree branch while my uncle was talking I acted cool pretending I didn't notice. I suspected they would pounce on me so when I saw that the smoke screen created by kai and nya was the perfect chance for the figure to move I waited not caring if the others surrounded me. Once I saw a black flash I used speed to escape but instead of it crashing into the spot I was at kai steps to where I was last and at that moment I panicked "KAI!" I shouted and out of no where I shot golden energy. Time skip to when they lock d eyes cuz I'm lazy =p
I stopped when I recognized the being right in front of me was 'e' he must've been sent here to find me. "E" I whispered to myself feeling horrible that father thinks I'm a traitor and that kai almost died because of me. 'E' ran away probably to report back or something the others caught up to me and they asked who that was I replied "I don't know.." I know I lied but 'e' is a dear friend he doesn't talk much but when I was younger and all the members of shazeago ignored me he would always be there to give me some kind of comfort and I'm glad he was there if the least I could do is save him the trouble of being captured than that's what I'm gonna do. I was also wondering why did I shoot golden power in whats going on. I had asked Wu in order to change the subject and for curiosity. He believes that my golden power is ruled by my emotions. He said that if I feel a very strong emotion golden power would rise well that's his theory. He asked if I at any point felt a strong emotion before I shot that energy. I lied and replied with a short NO because I do remember it was right when I noticed kai would be attacked and I panicked but I didn't want any of the others to know and no way in HELL am I gonna admit that I like kai when he is right beside me. My cheeks flushed a light pink and I hoped none of them noticed.

Hope you like it comment if you want me to combine 'training' and 'power' together cuz I'm not sure. I'll see what you guys say k? Next chapter will be up soon don't worry and thanks again bye to @Awesomepandagirl257 for this chapters idea (btw I didn't proof read )

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