The Plan

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Kai had left together the ninja and so garmadon and I was left alone once more. The silence stretched until garmadon spoke up. Uh so wu you have a plan... U know about how to know if he really is my son? Asked garmadon still looking unsure. Yes, I answered simply and strongly. The  silence continued until kai returned with the others. As kai and the others popped into the room. They all wore curious faces waiting for me to speak. All right I have thought of a plan to see if this boy is really my nephew.

lloyd pov

i had woken up to someone calling my name. it was the red hotheaded one of the ninjas. what was his name again. hmmmmmm k... k.. something hm. oh yeah KAI. so he called for me, i don't know was he helping me to escape or am i being taken to be executed. i thought about dying before a moment may be dying isn't so bad. i was kinda suicidal a few times after the beatings and torture i  was being put through by shadezago. but i had always thought that if i suicide i would just be letting them win and i don't want to give them the satisfaction of  achieving their goal. i was pulled away by my thoughts from a hand that pulled toward the cells door. kai grabbed my hand and dragged me out. at first i was kinda scared but them i saw the comforting smile on his face and i somehow knew i was safe. i followed him up the stairs leaving the dungeon floor with a  newfound giddy feeling inside...

hi okay it has beeeeennnnnnn forrrrrever, but im in the middle of assignments fro school and i found i had a little time so i finished the chapter. i know its short but its the best i could do as i also have a little bit of writers block oh well  hope all the best to you guys and i hope once my schoolwork dies down ill update again bye    

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