behind the door

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Lloyd's Pov
As I open to door darts started to shoot out of nowhere and attack me luckily I ducked right I time heh I guess all those dangerous missions for Shadezago came in handy . As I walk in dodging traps and stop in the middle of the room I stayed still. Only carefully moving my head to track the septor of ninjago I look around nothing that was until it hit me it's with the king urgh why am I so stupid. Of course it's with the king. As I was about to head back out of the royal treasuries a glimmering crown was directly opposite facing the door it had gold and green looking gems that I assumed to be emeralds. Wow I go closer forgetting the traps and a small dart sliced my arm as it bled. It woke me up of my trace a another dozen darts come flying to wards me i barely dodge them and ran to the crown. Since it was in a case it had a label that writes The Crown of The Prince of Ninjago. The Prince? Oh the Prince I heard folks talking about it. Prince L. Montgomery garmadon no one knows what the princes first name is because one the royal family doesn't talk about it and two it was never revealed to public and any way it was tradition to call the king by surnname and the heir by middle name. As I touched the case a faint glow of green ignited from the crown and as I realised that the light was all over my body and darts were coming my way but it was too late to duck I braced myself for pain but instead I got nothing except a clatter of metal. The darts were on the ground like nothing happened as I stepped back making me lose contact with the crown the green glow slowly faded weird??!!

Thanks for reading everybody feel free to comment and vote peace out😁😮😶😐😇.

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