Chapter 4

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Hey guys!

How are you all?

Is this story interesting? 

Anyway, this chapter is totally unedited as an was written at 1:38am(exact time) so there will obviously be typos. So don't hesitate to point them out and I really don’t mind criticism! 

Picture of Alec Woods in the media bar! ;)

Here's Chapter 4!

Happy reading! :)

Riley Chance's POV

           I can't believe my Grandma! She threatened to kick me out if I partied out again! She didn’t even bother to listen when I was going to tell her I was kidnapped by a deliciously tempting guy.

           Wait, deliciously tempting guy?

           What's wrong with me? I found my most probable kidnapper hot. Maybe the alcohol hasn't completely worn off yet. Yep, that's probably it.

           Anyway, my Grandma! How can she threaten to kick me out? She knows I have no one else to turn to! I really needed to get my shit together. No more partying with Jamie, even if it leads into me getting kidnapped by a man candy.

          Oh my God, man candy? Yep, the alcohol has definitely not worn off.

          I went for a quick shower to cleanse myself with my favourite vanilla wash because I just love that scent and changed into my work outfit. It was a white button up shirt which had a grey tunic on top of it which kind of looked like a maid's outfit, which was weird since I worked at the front desk. Well, maybe Grandma didn’t want to waste money on different dresses. I made my hair in stardust bun, which looked even better because of the few natural brown streaks in my hair.

         I quickly went to 'The Inn' which was right next door to Grandma's small, two storeyed, white house. The Inn wasn't extravagant or anything but it wasn’t cheap or like other small motels. It had a sense of sophistication, yet simplicity and I loved it for that reason. I've always found boisterous hotels quite intimidating because they always expected you to act so prim and proper.

         I was working on my computer, waiting for Room 17 to check out when Grandma walked in, with her head held high, but not in an obnoxious way but in proud manner, because she had made this inn from scratches and she took pride in it.

        “Hey, Grandma. May I ask you something?" I asked carefully, not sure if she had forgiven me for earlier.

         She looked at me and smiled warmly, which meant she had forgiven me. “Sure. Ask away." As she walked to one of the tables, carefully arranging the fake flowers in the way she liked. I really wished we used real ones because the smell would make this place even for at home.

         “Do you by any chance know a certain Alec Woods?" I blurted as I looked back into the computer screen trying to act nonchalant about it, as I looked at my Grandma from the corner of my eyes.

          Her back immediately stiffened and her hands froze mid way of arranging the fake flowers. She turned around slowly, looking at me suspiciously, but I held my gaze into the computer screen.

         “Yes, I do." She looked quite wary now. “Why do you want to know?" She inquired as she came to the front desk.

          So he didn’t lie. I don’t know why but I felt happy that he didn’t. Well, because I hate - no, absolutely loathe - liars. Wait, this also meant I was really acting like a deranged monkey. Oh God, this is so embarrassing. He really had done nothing and was acting like a good guy while I was accusing him that he was a kidnapper. Only I was this amazing. Oh God, I'm never going to talk to him again. He probably thinks I'm some nut who ran away from a mental facility.

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