Chapter 2

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Hey guys!

So I want Ashley Olsen be Riley Chance cause she's so pretty and I remember reading almost all Mary Kate and Ashley books, so yeah!

So anyway, happy reading!  :)

Riley Chance's POV


             My head was pounding to say the least. It was like someone was constantly hitting it with a hammer. I knew I shouldn't have drunk so much but I couldn't help myself, it was like my second nature.

             I sighed and opened my eyes only to shut them immediately. Who the hell would open the curtains? I groaned and immediately hid myself inside the duvet.

             Wait a minute, where the hell am I? I asked myself and immediately opened my eyes, ignoring the headache that was telling me to go to sleep.

             I hesistantly peeked out of the duvet only to see a guy staring at me in amusement. Who the hell is he?

             He had brown hair and in light it had a slight golden tinge to it which complimented his light brown eyes. He looked like he was a boxer or something because he was quite well built. He looked at me as if I was a weird element being observed by a scientist.

             " Who are you?" I asked as the pounding in my head just increased. Almost immediately his face lost all color and he stared at me as if I'd told him I'm Osama Bin Laden.

            "You don't remember?" He asked me, raising his voice slightly,  and even though it sounded like an angel speaking, my head was still hurting.  I groaned and hid under the duvet. I heard a chuckle and heard a chair push and footsteps fading away. Maybe he decided to leave me alone to drown in humiliation?

            After another few moments, where I wondered if he was a serial killer or a rapist or that I did something very, very stupid. Maybe I could just slip away or maybe jump off the window? That was a plausible option, wasn't it? He came back in but this time with a glass of water and two white pills. What were those?

            " Advil." He said as he gave me the pills and the glass of water. Thank sweet Baby Jesus for Advil. I quickly downed those pills as the stranger still stared at me. I mean, look away dude! What is his problem? Surely he's trying to hold back his laughter at my very hobo look.

            "Staring is creepy, you know." I said as I slowly removed the duvet which I was rewarded by a laugh.

            And that made me freeze. It wasn't just a small chuckle or a snicker, it was a full blown laugh. One that filled my heart with such warmth, that I could just stare at him as his eyes crinkled and his shoulders moved. He was like a living angel. It made me smile too.

            Woah there, Riley. He could be an axe murderer for all you know. I immediately wiped the smile off my face and got up from the bed. I really should get going. As I got up, I realised I wasn't sore which meant that that didn't happen. Phew! I awkwardly stood there as he stared at me again.

            Finally after mustering up some courage, I asked. "Who are you and what am I doing here and where is 'here'?"

            " You're at my house, cause you passed out drunk at the club. This is in Millerton and I'm Alec Woods." He said and let me tell you his voice was like honey to my ears. I mean, seriously why is he affecting me like this?

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