Chapter 6

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Bonnie came out of Foxy's cove, walking her way but got stopped by Freddy. The bunny fidgeted her fingers. "what?"

He looked concerned, "Did Foxy hurt you? What did he talk about?"

She nervously took a glance at him and thought for a lie to tell for a while. She can't tell Freddy about the previous conversation in the cove since it was a private thing for Foxy like really private. Bonnie suddenly came up with a lie which was pretty much good.

"He wants me to help with a big plan for his performance tomorrow!" She grinned, lying greatly. Freddy put on a suspicious look for a while but fell for her lie.

"Okay.." He nodded, walking away. Bonnie sighed in relief and wiped an imaginary sweat.

"DID FOXY KISS YOU?" She flinched as Chica shouted with an amplified voice. Bonnie covered her eyes and folded her ears down, being a cowardly rabbit. "Oh sorry...just asking.." Chica chuckled and patted her back.

"Um, the answer to that question is no.." Bonnie replied quietly. Jealous much, Chica?

"Oh okay! I was just....curious!" Chica lied, fixing her bib for a while. "I mean you wouldn't want Freddy to be all depressed, right?"

Bonnie nodded slowly, "Uhm...sure.."

"Well, I shall now continue my pizza cooking. Tell Foxy he's ugly as always~" Chica grinned and went away.


"Everyone sucks except for me!" Chica sang, putting the pizza in the oven, "YEAH!"

Freddy came in when he heard her terrible singing. "Why are you even the back-up singer?"

"Cause I'" She shrugged, closing the oven's small door. "You want Bonnie to take my place?"

"Um no!" Freddy said and chuckled nervously.

Chica leaned against the counter to face Freddy who was standing there at the doorframe.

"Eh forget that" She started. "So, did Foxy do anything to your girl?"

Freddy shook his head, he was relieved when nothing happened between them. "Nope! Just fine.."

"I'm glad too.." Chica thought in her mind. "So, that means you do like her?" She asked with a smirk.

"Nah, I'm just glad...cause...they're not perfect with each other.." He lied, "I'd puke if I see them holding hands"

The oven ticked to inform that the pizza was done, "Yay! Finally!" Chica cheered, taking the pizza out the oven.

"By the way, I agree with Bonnie and Foxy not being a great couple" She rolled her eyes. Freddy laughed and nodded.

"So, whatcha gonna do with that pizza?" He asked her. Chica didn't answered, she just stood there and realized that she can't eat.

"I WAS BORED!" She yelled. "I'll just put it in the fridge then.."

( I had a writer's block again...nope! I'm lying. I was just lazy, I'll update the next chapter more quicker..*cough* not really *cough* This is a bit short but...I'll make it longer next time! *cough* no *cough* )

pretty bunny // fronnie [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang