Chapter 10

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Vandal Look Alikes

Chapter Ten: A Sleepover at the Park
Taylor Hathaway POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to find that I was freezing and had to go to the bathroom. For some strange reason, I forgot where I was when I had awoken. I began to glance around at my surroundings. It took me about a minute for me to remember that I was at the Swellview Park with Spencer, Gibby, Freddie, Carly, Nona, Goomer, Sam, Cat, Dice, Ray, Mom, Miles, Frankie, Louie, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Phoebe, Max, and Nora.

"This is ridiculous!" I thought to myself, "We should be back in our hotels, nice and warm, instead of out here in this cold, snowy park! People are going to think we're weird, especially when they find out that we're not homeless!"

I looked over at Frankie, whom was sleeping with her head on my shoulder and over at the person I was resting my head on, Miles. Like Frankie, Miles was also fast asleep.

"Should I wake everybody up and tell them this is stupid and we should just go home?" I thought to myself.

I looked over at the statue to see if the vandals were vandalizing it. Even though it was now dark out, the street lights provided just enough light for me to tell that there was nobody messing with the statue. Just as I was about to ignore my thoughts and try to go back to the sleep, curled up against Frankie and Miles on one of the wooden benches, my bladder reminded me of how I had an urgent need to use the latrine. I glanced over at the dark-green porte-potty, then back at Frankie and Miles. Not wanting to wake either one of them up, I carefully lifted Frankie's head off of my shoulder, slowly got up off of the bench, slowly put Frankie's purple hood that had fallen off of her head, while she was asleep, back on, and carefully placed her head down on the wooden bench. Somehow, I had successfully managed to not wake anybody up. I then trudged my way in the snow over to the porte-potty and went to the bathroom.

"Oh, I feel so much better now!" I thought to myself, as I closed the door of the porte-potty.

I began to trudge my way in the snow and back over to the bench that I had been sleeping on.

"What time is it?" I asked myself.

I quickly pulled my iPhone out of the left pocket of my white coat and turned it on. I gasped. According to the lock screen on my phone, it was now 3:43 in the morning.

"How could the adults possibly stay up for this long!?!?" I thought to myself.

I then glanced over at the benches that the adults were sitting on to find that they were all fast asleep.

"What should I do!?!? Should I wake them up or should I just go back to sleep!?!?" I thought to myself, "Wait, did the vandals come while we were all sleeping!?!?"

I glanced back over at the statue. Unfortunately, there was not enough light for me to tell if there was any graffiti on it. I dashed across the snow-covered playground and towards the statue. I carefully began to study the statue, checking for any graffiti. Luckily, there was no graffiti on the statue, so I just headed back over towards the benches.

"Hey, I thought that you guys were supposed to take the first watch!" I shouted at Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Mom, Ray, Goomer, Nona, and Spencer, waking everybody up.

"Huh?" Mr. Thunderman yawned, as everybody slowly got up.

"What the heck are you yamming about, Taylor?" Sam asked me.

"And why did you have to wake us all up!?!?" Frankie asked, seeming annoyed with me.

"Yeah, I was having the coolest dream!" Billy exclaimed, "I dreamt that we all went to a town called, Swellview, so we could catch a bunch of vandals that look a lot like you, Carly, Cam, Gibby, Freddie, Max, Dice, and Frankie and went to this park, so that we could catch them!"

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