Chapter 18: Flashback

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5 YEARS AGO.....

"C'mon Jules!", 15-year-old Liam begged. "Come with me!". 13-year-old Julie shook her head and looked at Liam. "Why do you have to go anyway?", she crossed her arms. "Ruth and Nicola are only going there to go shopping. You told me that you don't usually go with them when it comes to shopping."

"But mum and dad made a deal with them that if they allow them then they'll have to bring me.", he whined. Julie rolled her eyes. "I can't go this weekend. I have an essay to write about the Great London Fire for History. If I don't have it by Monday, Mr. Gibson will kill me.", she said with her hands up.

"I've been there Jules. I'll help you finish your essay tomorrow night. I actually wrote one 2 years ago too!", Liam smiled. Julie still didn't look convinced. She didn't want to go to Eastbourne. She's never even been there. Liam looked at her with puppy dog eyes and a pouty face. "Please!", he started begging.

Julie shook her head. "I can't Liam. You know that. You know my parents have this 'If-you-fail-school-then-you're-out-of-the-theatre-club' policy.'", she said. Liam sighed and looked down on the grass. They spent the whole afternoon in the front yard of the Payne household, just talking about school and Liam begging Julie to come with him in Eastbourne.

"I wish I could Liam," Julie sighed. "but I can't afford to be out of the theatre club. It's the only place where I'll feel really infinite." Liam looked up and then at her. A mischevious smile was forming in his lips and he was starting to move closer. He knew how to make Julie give in.

Julie's eyes widened. "Oh, no! LIAM, NO!!". The next thing she knew was Liam was tickling the life out of her. "Liam, NO!!", she shrieked. "Come with me!", Liam laughed. "NO!!!!!", Julie squealed. "STOP!!". Liam didn't, he just kept tickling and tickling. "Liam, stop tickling me!", she pleaded.

"Go to Eastbourne with me or yell out loud, 'LIAM JAMES PAYNE IS THE HOTTEST AND MOST TALENTED MAN ALIVE, AND I'M A TOTAL DIVA WHO FELL INLOVE WITH HIM!'", Liam made the last part sound like a joke but deep inside, he really wanted her to say it with meaning. Why? 

"Because I love you.", Liam thought.

After a few more minutes of torture for Julie, she finally gave in. "Fine!", Julie struggled out of Liam's tickles. "I'm going to Eastbourne with you!". Liam squealed like a girl. Finally, he had someone to talk to there. "But you still have to help me on my essay tomorrow.", Julie snapped. Liam smirked.

"Tomorrow's a Friday right?", he asked. "Yeah?", Julie said with a raised eyebrow. "Can I have dinner in your house? After we make the essay.", Liam said with his innocent brown eyes. "Why do you wanna have dinner in my house? You keep eating dinner here every Friday.", Julie said. Liam turned a little bit red then looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about. So we'll start on how the fire start--", Julie cut him off. "Why do you wanna eat dinner in my house?", she demanded. Liam hesitated but then gave in. "IT'S FAIRY CAKE FRIDAY!", he said with his arms up.

"You mean cupcakes?", Julie asked. "Cupcakes for you. It's fairy cakes for British people!", Liam said. "That's it? You wanna have dinner because of 'fairy cakes'?", Julie asked while putting air quotes on the words "fairy cakes".

"Well, your mom makes the best fairy cakes and pancakes!", Liam said. Julie laughed and nodded. "Alright," she smiled then added, "but you still have to help me on my essay!" 


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