Chapter 47 [Julie]

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"Hello! This is Liam Payne. Sorry, I can't answer your call but leave a message and I'll be BACK FOR YOU! Ha, ha. Get it? BACK FOR YOU! Seriously though, leave a message after the beep.", Liam's voice mail answered for me. I sighed.

"I can't believe it," I said. "I know right?", Nessy said. I turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "What?", she said. "Liam has a super, awful and corny voice mail!" I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I'm sure there's a reason why Liam's been AWOL," Nessy gave me a reassuring smile. I sighed.

"I have nothing to do now," I said. "Liam and I were supposed to go to the London Eye but he's been busy since the management meeting." Nessy nodded. "Well," she said. "why don't we just do pilates in the campus gym? I'm free too, since Alex joined this show choir club and he won't be back till 5 P.M.."

I thought about it. Liam's busy with work. Nessy and I have nothing to do. Alex is in show choir. She's my Best Friend and we haven't really had some girl time since I started dating Liam and she started dating Alex. I guess it would be nice to bond with your Best Friend.

"Alright," I said. "pilates it is!" She squealed. "C'mon! The next session of pilates is at 4 and it's 3:30!  We have 10 minutes to run to our dorm, 10 minutes to change and 10 minutes to run to the campus gym.", she sighed. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully.

We ran to the Flores Building but Nessy's calculations were wrong. We only reached our destination in 5 minutes. I went into my room to change into gray sweatpants that stopped an inch below the knee and a blue crop top. I grabbed my white hoodie and shoved it into my bag.

After that, Nessy and I went to the gym. There were a bunch of girls getting ready for pilates as well. I was kinda excited so Nessy and I can bond but then Shirley was there. We haven't heard from her since she and Liam broke up.

We didn't have any classes together. We would run into each other in the hallways but we'd have the choice to ignore each other. Now, for the first time in a few months... we're in the same room. We made eye contact but she just rolled her eyes and continued stretching as if we were never even there.

Nessy and I began stretching so we can get ready. Shirley was a few feet away from us but we chose to ignore it. "So does Liam know about you being casted as Elphaba in Wicked?", she asked. I shook my head. "I haven't told him yet," I said. "he's always busy and these kinds of things aren't easily said through the phone."

"Wicked hasn't been in production for more or less 5 years. This is a huge deal, it's their FIRST revival tour and do I have to remind you that Idina Menzel was the one who recommended you to a lead role that you've been obsessing over since I met you?", she said. "I know," I said. "and I'm honored. But it has consequences.." I added. Nessy and I stopped stretching and stared at each other.

"What do you mean?", she asked. I shook my head. "I'm gonna go on tour around the world. I won't be seeing Liam that much. I'll be gone for about 2 years.", I explained. She shook her head. "Well," she said. "you can come back after touring Wicked." I shook my head. "Idina Menzel talked to her alma matter," I added. "I'll be continuing my sophomore year in NYU." Nessy's eyes widened.

"That's very huge," she said. I nodded. "I don't know if I should accept it or not," I said. "Dayum girl!", Nessy said. "You should accept it. The woman took you in, WITHOUT AUDITION. Then, she offered you a scholarship to New York freaking University! You're closer to home!" I hesitated. "But what about Liam?", I asked. "Talk to him about it," Nessy said. "He's your boyfriend. He loves you. I'm sure he'll be happy for you and he'll understand."

I sighed. This is stressful to think about. I just shook it off. "We'll talk about this later," I said. "I'll tell him soon. No worries." Nessy looked at me. "You better tell him," she said. "this is something really critical in a relationship. You'll both be in different continents every time." She was right. "Anyway," she said. "let's think about that later. Time to do some pilates!"


"Hey," I greeted Liam as we met in the open field around 8 P.M.. "Hey," he said. "I'm really sorry that weren't able to go to the London Eye. I've been really busy and stuff." I nodded. "I know," I smiled at him. "The tour's about to start soon," he said. I nodded. "I'm so proud of you," I smiled. He smiled back. "Thanks," he said.

"Listen," I said. "I have something to tell you." He nodded for me to go on. "I met Idina Menzel the other day," I started. "we had tea and we talked, and then she told me that they casted m---" I was cut off by Liam's phone ringing. He groaned and took it out from his phone. "Hello?", he said. "Louis? ... WHAT? .. I CAN'T HERE YOU! ... I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" He hung up then looked at me.

"I'm sorry but I got to--" I cut him off. "I know," I said. "duty calls. What I'm about to say can wait." I smiled. He gave me a quick kiss. "See you tomorrow!", he said. "I love you!" With that, he ran to some random place in campus to meet up with Louis.

I sighed. How am I supposed to tell him now? How am I supposed to tell him that Idina Menzel offered me to play the role of Elphaba in the worldwide revival tour of Wicked but I'll be gone for about 1-2 years then I won't be coming back here for college since I get a scholarship to NYU and I'm never coming back here for college?

I have to tell him but these things take time. I don't wanna leave Liam again. I want to be with him, forever. I love him. But this Wicked thing's been my dream since I was a little girl. What am I gonna do? How do I tell him?

With that, I groaned in frustration then ran to the dorm. I entered without greeting Alex and Nessy who were watching a film in the living room. I just locked myself up in my bedroom, hoping that sleep would take away this crap and shut the world so I can have some peace.

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