Thank You! :) xo

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I really have a lot of people to thank because without them, this story wouldn't be possible at all.

God - As cheesy as it may sound, I came from a very religious family and my mother always told me to put God first. That's what I grew up in. I mean it when I write this. I'm a Christian and I'm proud. God Blessed me with awesome fans and I finally finished this story. :D

My parents and brother - They are the best support system ever! They don't know about this story but they do believe that I can get a future in writing.

My friends, Ella and Rae  - They're the ones that made me post this story. i never expected people to notice it but because of them, my life opened to a lot of possibilities and I became more confident on my own writing.

My other friend, Danielle - She's the one who introduced One Direction and Wattpad to me. Without her, I wouldn't even know them.

juliemerhid (juliemerdarling) - She's my closest friend in wattpad and she's the one who keeps encouraging me to go on with this story even though I keep getting writer's block.

xxcarrotqueenxx - Thank you for being the first person to notice my story. It meant a lot and it kept me going.

hipstanicaaa and jewels2000 - The wonderful comments you guys posted on the last Chapter. You may not know it, but it meant something to me. It would really keep me motivated to write.

You (The Reader) - Thank you for sticking with Julie and Liam till the very end of this book. Thank you for the love and support. Thank you for inspiring me to write and write and write. I love you to the ends of the universe and back. :) xo

Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and Harry Styles - for making amazing music and for showing us not to give up on our dreams no matter how far they seem (look at them when they started in the X-Factor) :3

Liam Payne - This story wouldn't be possible without you and your cute Daddy Direction ways. :P

Whether you're a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer or not, check out the next few pages for my new story. :)

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