Chapter 25- Fuck Our Brains Out

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Celeste P.O.V.

Help... Help... Help!

I opened my eyes panting as I stared at a ceiling. I turned my head to the left to see where I was and realized I was in the room from Luke's house. What the fuck?

My eyes flew to the bedroom door and then down my body to see I still had my dress on... thankfully.

I grabbed my head because it was pounding from a headache and that's when I heard a voice.

"Do you always act this paranoid? Or is it because they took you from the party last night?" Every nerve in my body went into Ninja Mode as I jumped out the bed.

I slowly came up to see Sophia laying in the bed.

"Why am I here? How long have I been asleep? Where's Kevin and Daniel? Does Luke know I'm here? I have to leave, now!" Every word spilled out of my mouth fast as I looked for my shoes.

"Calm down. It's half past ten in the morning and my brother has no clue that you're here. I had Daniel and Kevin bring you here." She smiled at me and that made me even more nervous.

"Why? What do you want with me?"

"I'm glad you asked me that. I want you to divorce Hunter, talk to my brother so that every misunderstanding is clear, and then fuck each other brains out so that you've made up and are back together. You two can maybe get married soon and I'll have a sister to chat with about our men. Yeah, I'm with Daniel now." She said the last sentence proudly and it made my heart soften but it went back into a frenzy beat when I registered everything she just said.

"I'm not divorcing Hunter or making up with Luke. I don't even want to be here!" I was tackled and then her hand covered my mouth. She was straddling me with my arms under her thighs as well. I was stuck.

"If you're going to yell like that I'm going to have to tape your mouth shut. I'm being nice by allowing you to roam freely in here. You will do as I say whether you like it or not because it's the only way you'll make it out of here without facing my brother's wrath. Believe me when I say he's been very pissed off and bodies have been dropping since he found out about you marrying and possibly fucking his number one enemy. Now, I'm going to let you go and tend to my own business. Eve will bring you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You will stay in this room until I return. No escape attempts unless you want to see my bad side and Celeste, no one ever wants to see my bad side." With that she walked out the room and closed the door.

I was laying on the floor with tears threatening to fall down the sides of my face. Once again someone took the power away from me and I'm stuck in a fucked up position.

I refuse to play their little game.

My father and husband will find me. I'm not going to break.

I looked around the room for anything I can use as a weapon.

Pillow? No. Chair? Maybe. Belt? Hell yeah! I'll whip a bitch. Oh, I can use a lamp too. I got this.

I wrapped the belt around my waist and grabbed the lamp. I stuffed the pillows under the sheet as if I was still in bed. Then, I grabbed part of the towel in the bathroom and tore it up to use as rope to tie someone up. I put it in a bag that was in the closet along with some clothes.

Someone knocked on the door and I remembered the lady Eve was supposed to come in.

"I got your breakfast. I'm coming in."

I got behind the door and prepared myself to attack her.

Few moments before...

Luke P.O.V.

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