Meet Noel

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Sometime in 1980 a hard working mother of 2 fell in love with a man who was otherworldly...this man was the one and only Freddie Mercury, this is the story about their journey of love....


"Wake up Mommy! Wake up!" screamed the precious and destructive daughter of Noel Lopez. "Okay okay I am up" replied Noel tiredly stretching and yawning. "Is your sister awake Rose?" The 5 year old child was already running out of her mother's room "Now she is!!!" she screamed back. "Ugh!" Noel dragged herself out of bed putting on her robe and slippers. Walking into her daughter's room to an awaken 1 year old who was full of smiles at her mom's apperance "Well good morning little miss Karen" picking up the curly haired child and smothering her in kisses, they joined Rose in the kitchen who was impatiently waiting for her breakfast.

Turning on the radio and sitting Karen in her highchair she turned on the radio station that played music by the likes of Led Zepplin, The Bee Gees, Rolling Stone, Aerosmith, The Beatles, The Eagles, The Jackson 5 and Noel's favorite of them all...Queen. "How deep is your love" started playing, turning it up loud Noel started swaying back and forth as she prepared scrambled eggs for her little girls. Her daughters were used to their mother's morning routine and they loved it, they were mini fans of whoever Noel listened to...especially Queen.

Noel was currently in between jobs, needing to pick up a second one that paid good she was desperate asking around and hanging up ads everywhere. There was a knocking at the door, Noel walked over to answer the door. "Hello Miss Gonzales" said Rita the babysitter. "Good morning Rita, so the girls are fed they just need their hands wiped I have to finish getting dressed and run out in a flash!" said Noel. "Gooooood Morning New York we have a newly released single in our hands by Queen from their newly released album "The Game" here's a first listen" said a booming voice on the radio as Noel was running by she stopped in her tracks waiting for the song to begin "Open up your mind and let me step inside..." came out Freddie Mercury's soft soothing melodic voice. "" was all Noel managed to get out, she waited for the entire song to play when it was over she looked down at her watch "shit!!!" noticing she was late she scattered the place throwing on a pair of black trousers, a plain white collard shirt and a black apron. "Bye girls mommy loves you!" Noel called out as she shut the door behind her.

Noel has a job at a local diner, she serves coffee and places orders by the customers. Rushing in her boss was unhappy "What's your excuse for being late today Noel?" he stood tapping his foot. Swallowing hard realizing she could not tell her boss that she was late for her job because she couldn't resist the charming sound of Queen and just HAD to listen to their new song "Play The Game" she opened her mouth to speak but before she could let out words her boss held up his hand "save it...just get to work you have a customer waiting!" he snapped and walked away into his office. Turning around to face a man who had a fine suit, not a hair out of place and was clearly wealthy. "Hello mate, i'll have a cup of tea with 2 sugars please" Noel noticed his accent was thick and british. "Can I ask where are you from?" asked Noel handing him back his credit card "Yes I am from Gloucester" he replied back putting a 10$ bill in her tip jar. "Oh my...thank you sir, have a good day!" as the gentlemen walked out he noticed one of Noel's ads on the telephone pole outside of the diner. Interested he walked back in, when Noel noticed the same man standing in line she was curious as to what he wanted. "Is there something wrong with your tea?!" she asked panicking "Oh dear, no its wonderful...but I couldn't help noticing your advertisement outside..." a little embarrassed Noel put her head down "Oh yes....I am looking for another job" she spoke softly. "Well it just so happens I have a job for you!" said the man holding out a card. "Call this number if you are interested. A little unsure Noel slowly reached out and took the card, the man carried on and left. She watched him walk around the corner until she could no longer see him. Looking down at the card, she read it out loud "Jim Beach....Lawyer and Manager" shrugging her shoulders she slipped the card in her apron and began tidying up her workspace.

What do you guys think so far? Interested in knowing more...where will Noel's meeting with Jim take her...?

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