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I decided to go ahead and write a bonus chapter because I (like many of you) miss Lex and Ev, haha.


* * *

Six years later

Lexi's POV:

"Ava Copeland... Grace Copeland." Their names echo through the loudspeaker. Mason and (more so) I scream at the top of our lungs once the announcer calls the names of both of my girls.

My cheers are brief, only because the names of other graduates are being called... and because Mason is embarrassed by my yelling. The ceremony comes to an end about fifty minutes later and I trot down the bleachers and run into the field, dragging Mason behind me.

We find Ava and Grace first and I wrap both of them in hugs, kissing their heads. "I'm so proud of both of you." I remind them, loving seeing them in their caps and gowns.

They give me subtle smiles and I feel a hand snake around my back and the other rests against my stomach. "There you are!" Evan says, kissing my cheek. She was forced into being a stage-guide during the ceremony, so we didn't get to sit together and watch this milestone for the girls.

"Here we are." I smile. She glances at me, her eyes flicking to my lips then back up.

"Does this feel crazy?" Her nose scrunches.

I smile and glance at the kids, who are all about the same height as us at this point. "Very. It's gonna be really crazy when we're moving you two into college dorms for the fall."

Evan leans her head on my shoulder, "ugh. Don't remind me of that part."

"Can I have Grace's room?" Mason asks, eyes widening and his braces shining in the lights.

Grace wastes no time throwing her first into his shoulder, "hell no!"

Evan eyes the girl, "really? Cool it." She hisses, not pleased with Grace's language.

Life has been... chaotic. Life was great up until about six months ago. Everyone was happy, but them Grace- for whatever reason- started acting out. It's taken a toll on Evan, no doubt.

Grace's eyes roll and I put my hand over my fiancé's, "let's go out and have a nice dinner." I say, hoping to ease the tension.

Mason, Grace, and Ava walk off together, leaving me with Evan.

"What is up with her, Lexi?" Evan whines.

"She's a teenager, babe. It's normal." I remind her.

Her green eyes cut me, "normal? Normal would be sneaking out a few times and drinking. This is... not normal." Even shakes her head, interlocking her fingers with mine as we walk.

"Now that school's over maybe things can cool down. She was stressed-"

"Stop making excuses! You saw how she acted." Evan reminds me.

I scrunch my nose, knowing she's right. Grace and Evan have gone toe-to-toe before, and it wasn't pretty. Needless to say Evan came out on top though.

"Let's just try to make the rest of the day good, okay?" I smile, hoping Evan will lighten up.

Her eyes scan over my face and she pecks my lips quickly, "I'm gonna need a massage to de-stress tonight."

I nod, "anything you want."

After dinner, I pull into the driveway behind Evan, who has the twins in the car with her, and immediately see a series of dramatic hand gestures.

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