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Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments! <3

Evan's POV:


"Ha, right. Like that'll ever happen." I laugh as I walk out of the school with Lexi.

She giggles and answers her phone, "hey babe."

I listen to her side of the conversation, and she seems fairly happy.

"I'll be home soon... yeah, she's beside me actually." Her responses continue and they make me a bit nervous. Why is Mia asking about me? Does she suspect something? There isn't even anything to suspect.

"Uh, I can ask her if you really want." Lexi mutters, glancing at me. I raise my brows and she sighs, "Mia wants to know if she- I mean, we can take you up on the offer to show us around? Tomorrow night."

I'm a bit surprised by the question, mainly because I thought Lexi would have shot that down already. "I can, sure." I agree, realizing it'll be rude if I decline.

Lexi nods her head and delivers the news to her girlfriend. "I'll ask her all that. I'm gonna go, babe. See you soon."

Lexi ends the call and unlocks her car, putting her things into the backseat.

"Girls night out I guess." I smart off.

"Bring someone." Lexi urges. "I'm sure you can find a girl to-" I let out a snicker and it catches her attention. "Excuse me, I'm sure you can find a guy to accompany you. I forgot that I'm your exception to that rule."

My eyes widen a bit and a smirk crawls over my lips, "were."


"You were my exception to that rule." I wink. "See you tomorrow."

I've gotten exceptionally good at leaving Lexi with some pretty kick-ass one-liners, and I find it hilarious. She makes it easy.

After we leave the school, I head home for the day. I spend some time doing household chores, having a light dinner, grading some papers... but my mind wanders.

Being single has its advantages and disadvantages; one major disadvantage is not having free and open access to sex at any given time.

Post-divorce that was no problem for me. That was the last thing on my mind, but in the last several years I've gotten lonely and needy, which led me to my favorite guilty pleasure, Elijah.

I'll skip the details of how exactly we met, but I'll just say that he's been there for me in those times of need with no questions asked.

I call Eli and he answers cheerfully, "I was beginning to think you didn't need me anymore."

I grin, "you're always needed. What are you up to?"

"Just got off work, about to head to the gym before I go home." He informs.

I bite my nail, "why don't you come by my place after the gym?"

He laughs a bit, "I could do that. I'll be there in about an hour and a half."

"See you soon." I smirk.

Once I've set that up, all I can do is wait. And that's exactly what I do.

About two hours later, I hear Eli's knock on my door. I answer with a grin plastered across my face, "hey stranger."

"Hey yourself." He says, stepping inside and looking me up and down.

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